Chapter 14: Rookie Ten

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(A/N): whoo another chapter guys. This one's gonna be a bit long, so take breaks between reading if you wannna; have some cookies or something ☺️🍪. Please don't forget to vote and comment, I really truly appreciate it ~<3

"A fight here, right now?"


Lee jumped down, landing swiftly in a pose. "My name's Rock Lee. When asking a person their name, I'm supposed to give my own name first, right?" Lee reiterated Sasuke's words, pointing at himself and then Sasuke. "Sasuke Uchiha..."

Sasuke's eyebrows raised slightly. "Hm, so you knew?"

Lee suddenly bent his knees and got into a weird stance (Y/N) had never seen before. She studied his pose for a moment, humming. He must know quite a lot about taijutsu. Even so... we're here for the exam dammit! We don't have time for this! Besides, we'll be in trouble if they catch us fighting here!

"I want to fight with you! I want to test out how effective my techniques will be against the descendant of the clan reputed for genius ninjas!" Lee exclaimed, elbows raised and hands down in his stance. "Also..." Lee paused, staring at Sakura. His cheeks suddenly turned a bright red. "Sakura. Love."

Sakura shivered and then shrieked. "Nooo! Those lower eyelashes are awful! The hairstyle is awful too!" She kept squirming and shaking her head, trembling at the idea she hugged herself. "These bushy eyebrows are too intense! Everything is..!"

By this point (Y/N) was laughing so hard there was no sound coming out of her, it was more wheezing than laughing really, as she tried to breath. Naruto stared at slightly panicked. "Breathe (Y/N)-chan, breathe!"

"You're an angel!" Lee replied, seemingly not minding the insults too much and blowing a kiss her way.

Sakura screamed and trembled, dodging the floaty kiss. "Dang it (Y/N) stop laughing!"

Of course, Sakura's sentence only made (Y/N)'s laughter worse, who at this point was getting glared at by Sasuke for being so noisy. Still (Y/N) kept laughing breathlessly as Lee suddenly started sending, somehow, three dimensional heart kisses towards Sakura and the girl started dodging like crazy, even bonking her head on the wooden floor.

Sakura panted from the effort of dodging, brows furrowed and eyes wide in indignation. That was really close... She recovered immediately and clenched her fists. "Hey you! Don't throw strange stuff! I was dodging for my life!"

Lee slumped with a pout. "You don't have to resent me that much!"

Naruto glared and gritted his teeth in frustration, accidentally patting (Y/N)'s back harder as he tried to get her to breathe for a moment. It's Sasuke again! Darn it! Darn it!

(Y/N) was laughing so much tears were coming out of her eyes and she clutched her stomach as it hurt. Oh gods! What's with this guy!

Sasuke rolled his eyes at (Y/N). She hasn't changed. He turned to Lee with a sigh, "To be honest you're a naive one, knowing the name of the Uchiha and challenging me. Do you want to realize what this name means, Bushy-Brow?"

(Y/N) snorted, still wheezing but managing to catch her breath. Oh my gods, just please stop. No seriously, my stomach hurts from all this laughing. I can't believe Duckbutt, Duckbutt, just called someone by a nickname.

Lee smirked slightly in response, bushy brows furrowing, he raised his hand. "I insist." I'm lucky to be able to have a bout with the number one rookie right away. And I'll prove it to you, Guy-sensei!

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