Chapter 16: Second Phase

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(A/N): sorry for the delay everyone! I wrote this a few days ago, but didn't have time to edit until now! This semester's (?) classses are ending in like a week, so everything piled up, sorry.

"W-what? What is this place?" Naruto muttered, gulping in apprehension at the sight before them.
Well. This is going to be hard. (Y/N) gulped as she raised her head to look at the thick mass of huge trees that stretched out before them across the fence.

The proctor, Anko, had quickly guided them all here, to a closed off area in the village, some sort of forest

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The proctor, Anko, had quickly guided them all here, to a closed off area in the village, some sort of forest. Except that the trees were huge, incredibly thick, and there were so many gathered in one place that the light barely lit the place. Immediately (Y/N) decided she didn't like it at all.

"This is the site of the second exam, the 44th training field... Also known as the Forest of Death." Anko replied to Naruto's question with a slight smirk, as she stood in front of the whole group of genin.

Naruto blinked, swallowing nervously. "Forest of... death?"

The wind howled, swishing their hair and (Y/N) shivered. Well that's not ominous at all! She sighed, as she stood beside Naruto. Yeah, this will surely be tons of fun, she thought sarcastically.

Sakura shivered behind her, clenching her hands. "There's something kind of creepy about this place..."

Anko laughed with a smirk. "This place is called the Forest of Death, you'll soon realize why."

Naruto huffed, "The Forest of Death, you'll soon realize why." He mocked, posing and everything. "That kind of threat won't work on me one bit! I'm not scared!"

Anko looked at him and smiled, "Really?" You've got alot of energy."

In the next second, she had thrown a kunai that whizzed past Naruto and (Y/N), striking the ground. The kunai blade had barely grazed his cheek, but blood seeped from the small slash.
Anko was behind him in a second, hacing distracted him.
"Kids like you die at the very beginning..." Anko said with a smile, as she grabbed Naruto's face and raisnig a finger to his wound. "Dappled with the red blood I like."

(Y/N) was beside Naruto in the next moment, dragging him behind her, just as the weirdest dude she had ever seen had gotten behind the proctor. Anko barely had noticed in time to take out another kunai to defend herself with, having sensed danger.
It was the grass ninja that smelled like death since the start of the Exam, holding out the proctor's kunai with his ridiculously long tongue.

"I'm returning... your kunai."

Anko smiled fakely, "Thank you for taking the trouble."

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