Chapter 15: The Chuunin Exam Begins!

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(A/N): Hi guys! Enjoy, sorry for the wait! Also. 103K!!!!!! 103k! I can't believe it! It's such an honor that so many people like my writing and have read it, it makes me so happy! Thank you all for the love and support!

"You, from the Sound Village! No doing as you please before the Exam!" The jounin proctor yelled, pointing at the Sound Village ninja that had attacked Kabuto. "You wanna be disqualified at the get go?!"

(Y/N) whistled. Hoho, this guy really called them out.

The Sound shinobi looked at the proctor, seemingly unfazed. "Sorry, it's our first time taking the exams so we flipped out... despite ourselves.

The jounin smirked and huffed, obviously not impressed with the excuse. "Hmph, this is a good opportunity, so I'll say this. There will be no battles, competitions and the like without the permission of the proctors!" Ibiki declared loudly. "And even with permission, actions that could lead to the death of an opponent will not be allowed!"

See I knew it! There is a no fighting rule! Good thing nobody saw Lee and Sasuke fight.. (Y/N) shivered a bit. Better not get myself disqualified.

"Any pig who screws with me will be disqualified immeaditely. Got it?!"

All the examinees stilled their movements and listened, suddenly hesitant to do anything. One of the Sound shinobi smirked, readjusting his cow print scarf. "This exam seems easy!"

Ibiki ignored them and got serious. "Now then; we will start the first test of the Chuunin Exam." He announced.

Excitement came of off (Y/N) in jitters, as she squirmed where she stood, moving her arms around. Yay!

"Turn in your applications, take one of these number cards in exchange and sit in the seat matching that number." Ibiki explained, taking out a number card as an example. "After that, we will hand out the paper for the written test!"

Naruto stilled, squinting at the proctor . "Written.. paper? Paper..." He mumbled. He looked at the jounin and spotted one of them with a stack of papers.

Naruto gasped and fell on his knees, wide eyed in shock and the feeling of knowing your certain doom.


(Y/N) flinched, closing her eyes in a wince. Oh no.

I guess I should start preparing myself for the shame of not passing.


"There are several important rules to this first test. I will take no questions so listen well!"

(Y/N) stared at her sheet of paper and fumbled with the pencils that had been handed out to everyone. She was a bit nervous, to be honest It wasn't that she was bad at written tests, but usually, there wasn't so much depending on one! She fidgeted in her seat,glancing at Naruto, who sat all the way to her right, at least four seats away. It was clear that Naruto was panicking more than her as he pulled at his hair.
Oh hell. How is he going to pass?! We can't go on if one of us loses!

Sakura sat two rows behind them, furrowing her brows at Ibiki. Rules? No questions will be taken....?

Ibiki took out a piece of white chalk and started writing on the board, chalk tapping against it. "First rule: you are given ten points each from the start! The written test has ten problems in all, each problem is one point! And this test is a point deduction system; you are deducted one point for each problem you get wrong."

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