Chapter 5: The Forest of Chakra

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(A/N): ....I can't even begin to apologize for the lack of updates.... I'm so sorry guys!!!

Third P.O.V

(Y/N) felt sore, her arms and legs ached. She grunted in discomfort, and sat up.

She was inside Tazuna's home, in one of the guest rooms. She looked around, noticing the futon she was laying on was beside another one.

Whatta...? Where's everyone? Am i in Tazuna's house? She stood up slowly, groaning at her sore muscles. I overdid it... *sigh* She walked out of the room, sliding the door open. She saw Tsunami cooking lunch and she coughed.

"Umm, who are you? Where am I? Where's everyone?" She asked nervously, balancing on her feet. Her clothes had been ripped, but someone had placed new clothes on too of the old ones.

The blue haired woman turned around, surprised to see her walk around so soon, with no trace of her slight injuries. Tsunami smiled at her. "Oh, right. I'm Tazuna's daughter, Tsunami. You've been asleep for some time now, resting from the battle. Your friends went to the forest to train, just a bit far away from here." She introduced herself and explained the situation.

(Y/N) pouted and crossed her arms. "Why didn't they wake me up?!" She exclaimed. She headed to the door and ran out, hearing Tsunami call her.

"Hey! You shouldn't be moving around so soon!!"

(Y/N) laughed and ran, following the trail of scents that her tean left behind. She soon encountered the forest and quickly ran in, soon bumping with Kakashi's back.

"(Y/N!" Naruto exclaimed when he saw her, loosing concentration and falling once again, yelling in pain at the new bump on his head.

"Ah, so you're awake, good." Kakashi said, pushing her in front of him and slightly touching his back where she bumped into him. That kinda hurt..

(Y/N) laughed, looking at her team. Sakura was sitting on a branch while Sasuke and Naruto seemed to be exhausted. She noticed the kunai marks on the trees and raised her brows. Eh? Chakra climbing? "Kakashi-sensei, are we climbing trees?" She asked, curious.

Kakashi nodded. "Accumulate chakra on your feet and try to do it." He said.

(Y/N) nodded. Easy peasy! She turned to Naruto with a smirk. "I bet I can do it way better than you!" She exclaimed, pointing at him.

Naruto's eyebrow twitched. "Oh yeah?! Well let's see ya try!" He exclaimed, ticked off. "I'm gonna go higher than you!"
They smirked at each other.

Sakura sweatdropped. They're so competitive. But (Y/N) is way stronger than Naruto, everyone knows that. Sasuke is stronger though, yeah, no way she is better!

"Fine." (Y/N) closed her eyes and concentrated on feeling the chakra flow through her body and redirect it to her feet. She snapped her eyes open, and the area around her feet had been slightly burned. Here I go! She ran to a tree, and started running up, leaving faint burn marks on the tree. She ran up the trunk, quickly reaching the top. Obviously, she was good at chakra control. Her family had taught her long ago that she could even walk on water with the certain amount of chakra.

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