Chapter 19: Fight for your Life

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I have to live so I can kill my older brother... That's what I thought. But it's me who was being stupid. Naruto! Sakura! (Y/N)! How can someone who can't put his life on the line in a place like this, beat that man ?!
Sasuke glared at the snake freak with Sharingan blood red eyes, immediately gripping a kunai in his mouth. He gritted his teeth furiously,
jumping high and throwing kunai.

The woman easily dodged, moving out of the way. Sasuke clicked his tongue but doubled back, kicking at them.

Suddenly Sasuke and the freak were immersed in a high speed hit battle, with the grass ninja blocking all of Sasuke's attacks.
And then the freak was speeding up even more, becoming a blur to the average human eye, zooming at branches, leaving dust in their wake.

(Y/N) stared with a hard look in her (E/C) eyes, biting her lip. It was all happening extremely fast now, with Sasuke being able to keep up with the freak thanks to the Sharingan. I want to help, but can I even butt in easily? High speed battles like this are hard to cut into. I could accidentally ruin Sasuke's plan, if he has one.

The freak slammed down on Sasuke's spot, but Sasuke dodged easily and responded in like; bringing a hand to his mouth and blowing out flames.
The bright orange fire struck true, but the freak merely dispelled the flames, unbothered. And slid quickly towards Sasuke with that weird snake body of theirs. Sasuke dodged of course, jumping out of the way of the unsettling body coil.

The snake freak sighed and smiled. It's pretty good... You foretell my movements and your aim is sure. You can see my moves, can't you?

(Y/N) gulped, biting her lip, observing attentively the fight. She stood crouched over Naruto's unconcious ofrm on a lower brnach, observing the freak's form and movements. If I butt in now, it has to be at the right time. If Sasuke needs my help I'll need to find an opening quickly. That freak seems to be targeting Sasuke mostly. I don't think he's interested in Sakura or me. I can catch him off guard, probably.

As the two fought, the freak slammed down on the tree branches, sending bursts of wind just like before. Sasuke dodged and took advantage of the branch blocking their view, jumping down on them and grabbing them tightly by the torso, bringing them down with him into a head slam.

"I got you now!" Sasuke yelled, as they sped towards the ground, holding on to the freak tighly. As they slammed into the ground, Sasuke was perfectly safe, clinging on to the freak, but the grass ninja had hit his head directly on the ground and shivered at the hit, fingers twitching.

Sasuke jumped back after a moment, as the body stayed there. And then the legs were falling to the side, and the body dissolving into mud.
"Substitution?!" Sasuke exclaimed wide eyed with a slight gasp.
In the next moment, a barrage of kunais were being thrown at him, chasing him off the branch. Sasuke fell down but caught himself on a branch with wire, swinging back.

But then the freak was right in front of him, punching him repeatedly and kicking his face, sending Sasuke flying onto his back.

Sakura gasped worriedly, with an anguished look. "Sasuke! (Y/N) do something!" Sakura yelled.

(Y/N) clicked her tongue at her, snarling angrily in frustration, "Dammit I'm biding my time! I can't just cut in easily like this!"

The freak chuckled. Smart brat. They stepped closer to Sasuke's fallen form, as the boy twitched on the branch. "Humph! You are too easy. The Uchiha name is crying. "That's okay. I'll just take my time and play with you before I kill you. Like a worm."

Sasuke opened his eyes slowly, a tiny smirk on his face. Suddenly there was the faint sound of sparks and the back of the dude was exploding with tiny explosives Sasuke had stuck on them.

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