Chapter 22: Surviving the Cut

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(A/N): not really edited rn. There are probably a lot of mistakes. Fun fact: we're already on ep 38 already. (Also the novel's out he)

In synch, (Y/N) and Naruto peeled the scrolls open as Sasuke and Sakura watched nervously. It was not what they expected.
The writing was scant and practically unreadable, surrounding a character for person. (Y/N) blinked, staring at the scroll for a moment. Huh.

"Huh what's this?" Naruto tilted his head in confusion.
"A person..?" Sakura replied hesitantly, looking at the character over (Y/N)'s shoulder.

(Y/N) clicked her tongue, remembering where she had seen that seal pattern before; it was similar to the own array she used on the scrolls with her plushies. Sasuke caught on quickly as the person character inflated and shot smoke.

"This is a Summoning jutsu!" Sasuke exclaimed quickly, wide eyed. "Let go of the scrolls!"
(Y/N) growled at him, throwing hers into the corner as Naruto did the same. "I know duckbutt I was already about to!"

Smoke billowed out continuously from the scrolls, and then with a poof, a figure appeared in the smoke.
The children gasped and stared, as the figure revealed itself slowly.

"Y-you-!" Sasuke gasped.

"Hi. It's been a long time." Iruka, their former teacher smiled, crossing his arms. As usual, he wore the chuunin uniform they had always seen him in.

Naruto was so tongue-tied he couldn't muster a word, and (Y/N) just laughed in triumph. Haha! I told them there must have been a Summoning Jutsu in there didn't I?! GO me!

"W-what's going on?!" Sakura exclaimed.

"It appears you had a rough time of it." Iruka smirked, studying Naruto's beat up appearance.
"What?! Why are you appearing from a Summoning Jutsu Iruka-sensei?!" Naruto questioned, baffled.

"At the end of this second exam we chuunin are to welcome the test-takers. I just happened to be given the important task of being the messenger for you guys." Iruka replied calmly with a smile. He looked at the watch he carried, and sighed in relief, "Just in time. Everyone.. Congratulations for surviving the second exam. To celebrate your passing I'd like to treat you to some Ichiraku Ramen but..."

Enough said! Naruto and (Y/N) were on him before he could move, "YAY! Ramen ramen, believe it!" Naruto cheered.
"I haven't eaten good food in almost a week!" (Y/N) exclaimed with glossy eyes and practically drooling at the thought.

"Oi oi, listen until the end!" Iruka tried, but the two were now cheering and jumping around, even as Sakura and Sasuke dropped to the floor in exhaustion and relief.

"I've done a great job! I'm the greatest!"
"We did ti! We didn't die! By the Dragon, I hated that huge snake!"

Sasuke sighed, falling on his butt as he sat down, exhausted. "They're so energetic."
"Shuddup!" Sakura exclaimed at them, fed up with all the yelling.

Iruka sighed at them, sweatdropping as (Y/N) and Naruto kept grinning but quieted down. "Man, that scatterbrained part of yours is the same as always eh."

Sasuke huffed in amusement then, smiling minutely. "I see. It's like (Y/N) said before. If we had looked at the scroll in the middle of the exam, what were you going to do Iruka-sensei?"
"Well of course I was!" (Y/N) replied with a huff, crossing her arms. "I bet he would have knocked out everyone and just left us there as food for the fauna!"

Iruka smiled slightly, picking up the scrolls from the floor. "You two are sharp, as usual. You guessed right. The rules of this exam were to test your conclusive mission execution ability. To put it simply, in the case of the scrolls being opened contrary to the rules... "

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