Chapter 17: Forest of Death

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(A/N): The plot thickens. DUDU DUNNNN.

(Y/N) gulped nervously as they walked briskly, deeper into the forest. The dark green loomed over them and the grass didn't crunch under their feet; it was eerily quiet in a way, but (Y/N) could hear the slithering of an animal and see something crawling in the trees that made her shiver and jump closer to Naruto. This is creepy. Way too creepy.

Suddenly the tree tops shook and a flock of birds flew away, squawking. The bird's calls mixed with screams that echoed throughout the forest.
(Y/N) jumped a bit, automatically scooting closer to the front of the group, really not eager to be in the back.

"Wasn't that someone screaming just now?"  Sakura said nervously, looking back.

(Y/N) shut her eyes and shivered. "Please don't say it!" She exclaimed nervously.

The birds squawked, flying above them. The four tensed, looking around slightly paranoically.

"I-I'm kinda getting nervous. " Sakura muttered.

"I-it was nothing Sakura, believe it!" Naruto stuttered, trying to comfort himself. He paused for a moment then and his face twisted, as he suddenly ran to a bush by the side.
"I-I have to pee."

(Y/N) sighed and facepalmed, tension disappearing. Naru always manages to cut the tension at least.

"Y-you fool!" Sakura yelled, punching him in the head. "What are you doing in front of two girls?! Go to the grass!" She scolded and pointed furiously at a bush farther away from them.

Naruto chuckled awkwardly and scurried away to a bush, while Sakura fumed and seemed to look at (Y/N) with disappointment. Sakura dragged a hand over her face, sighing heavily. What does (Y/N) see in him?

As the three were left awkwardly standing aside and looking away, (Y/N) sighed, trying to tune out the sounds and crossed her arms, looking around. The foliage is so dense here it feels like it's watching you. Nerves tightly wound (Y/N) tried to focus on being alert, knowing her companions were depending on her to notice something was wrong first.

"Aah, that was a lot, I feel refreshed."

Naruto adjusted his pants with a grin, as he stepped away from a tree. Immediately (Y/N)'s senses tingled and she looked at Sasuke, who had tensed and was glaring at Naruto intently. (Y/N) furrowed her brows and stared at Naruto, as her senses tingled, ears twitchy.

Naruto walked back towards them with a grin, adjusting his pants again and scratching the back of his head. The action seemed fairly Naruto-like, but something was off. (Y/N) furrowed her brows, It looks like him, sounds like him, and acts like him.. but something's different. Is it just me or does this guy smell un-Naruto?

Sakura groaned in annoyance, yelling "C'mon Naruto! I just told you not to say things like that in front of a lady!"

Sasuke glanced at (Y/N) with a hard look and they nodded to each other. Before Sakura could continue her righteous rant on manners, Sasuke smacked Naruto so hard with his whole arm, not even the back of his hand no, his whole arm, that Naruto went flying, crashing in to a tree.

Naruto grunted with the landing and (Y/N) flinched but did not run to help him up. It's not him (Y/N), chill.

Sakura gaped and frowned worriedly at Sasuke, fists clenched. "S-sasuke! No matter what, you don't have to go that far!"

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