Chapter 7: Crystal Ice Mirrors

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(Author Note: Hi guys, I'm alive, sorry for the heck ass long wait. This took me a shit ton of hours, so enjoy. )

Team 7 stuck close together, keeping a watchful eye on Zabuza and the masked man.
(Y/N) bared her fangs in a snarl, keeping a hand on her kunai pouch.

"Well, well looks like I was right. It was all a farce." Kakashi said.

"A farce?" Zabuza replied, acting innocent.

"That masked boy." Kakashi replied.

"Huh?!" Sakura exclaimed, seeming to have just then recognized the masked boy.

"I knew it." Sasuke and (Y/N) said in sync, quickly glancing at each other and scowling.
(Y/N) scoffed, concentrating on keeping an eye on their enemies. I hope that sync thing does not become usual.

"Then all that talk of being a tracker from Kirigakure was a bunch of bullshit." Tazuna confirmed.
(Y/N) nodded, huffing. "Of course it was."

"They both look pretty close to me. I guess they've been pulling scams like that for a lonc time." Kakashi speculated.

"Who does he think he is facing us again after pulling that?" Sakura growled, scowling.

(Y/N) snorted. "An idiot, of course."

"Who does he think he is fooling?" Kakshi questioned, receiving no reaction from the man. He was quiet, head only slightly pointed downward.
(Y/N) stared at him intently, ready to attack when necessary. She was kind of wishing she had managed to wake up Naruto. That masked boy smelled like flowers and snow, enveloped in sadness. I wonder who is under the mask.

"Uh, speak for yourself Sensei." Sakura replied.
(Y/N) scoffed. Yeah right, you were completely fooled.

Sasuke was staring harshly at the masked boy, and spoke, "I'll take care of that one. Who does he think he is, wearing that mask like a clown?" He glanced at (Y/N) momentarily with determination. I'll show her just how much distance there is between us.

Sakura smiled flirtatiously, looking at Sasuke with heart eyes. "Sasuke you are so cool!"

Kakashi deadpanned. I just said that. Sakura never changes.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at them, pursing her lips momentarily. "We get it Sakura, but can you focus, please?"

Sakura flushed, hands going to her pouch. "Sorry.."

(Y/N) was keeping her senses on alert, paying attention to Zabuza and the masked boy as they spoke.
"Impressive. Even though you barely used some chakra from the original Clone Jutsu, to destroy them all like that..."
"Doesn't matter.  It's our turn now, do it."

The masked boy suddenly started turning, like a dancer on his feet and was enveloped by a tornado that neared Team 7.

(Y/N) planted her feet, refusing to blown away by such a wind.
"What?" Sasuke exclaimed, planting himself on his position and readying a kunai.
The boy stopped whirling and tried to strike Sasuke with a kunai, but was countered by him. The arms of both boys shook as they struggled against each other's kunai, trying to push the other away.
(Y/N) stood firm, ready to interfere.

He can match Haku then. Zabuza thought, a little bit surprised.

"Sakura, protect Tazuna and stay close to me. (Y/N), stay alert to everything and ready to interfere." Kakashi ordered the girls.

"Yes, Sensei!" Both girls replied, as the masked boy and Sasuke started striking at each other, countering each other's hits.

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