Chapter 42 - Happy Birthday Time

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Koro-sensei picked up one of the pages which was filled with pictures when some students were dressed in costumes related to Japanese history with Koro-sensei in one of them in the group picture.

" Nyuhen~ " Koro-sensei blushed happily then looked towards the several stacks of photos he had, smiling softly, " I would hate to toss out any of these photos, I'll just have to take the plunge and supersize this thing! "

And while he worked on the yearbook, his dear students were making their way towards him with fierce determination.

Countdown to Koro-sensei's death : 3 hours


Isogai turned to face the rest of the class at the entrance of the dense forest of the mountain with a serious look on his face.

" This is our last mission : get everyone to school safely! " he announced.

Everyone pulled up their hoods, nodding, before all charged into the forest, determined to meet their teacher one last time. 


" Three more hours until the Spear of Heaven is fully recharged. What a shame that we'll be destroying him completely, the number of rare samples that we'll lose all in the name of world peace... " the commander sighed as he watched the main controls of the weapons in a tent with Irina and Karasuma at the back, observing.

" Can those kids make it through? " Irina whispered and Karasuma just grunted in reply.

Both of their attention were then caught by an alarm that started beeping from the main controls.

" What is it?! " the commander asked.

" An intruder on the mountain. They have gone past the police line! " one of the soldiers reported.

On the mountain...

" I-It's a mob of monsters! " a soldier shrieked as he ran away, chased by Okano's group.


" What a nightmare! Can't even tell how many there are! " another soldier clicked his tongue in annoyance, " you think you can mess with us?! " 

Just as the soldier turned to face the group, he was knocked unconscious by both Isogai and Maehara.

" Okay~ Nice teamwork, you three! " Karma praised as he jumped down from a tree, looking at Maehara, Isogai and Mimura who gave him a thumbs-up.


" We've lost communication with B squad. The intruder must be the real deal. Beware of your surroundings. " the leader of another squad of soldiers ordered.

" Yes, sir! " his two underlings responded.


One of them collapsed to the ground, being shot at the neck with a sleeping dart by Chiba. 


Another dropped to the ground as he was shot by Hayami.

" O-Oi! Tsk! " the commander began to run, " There's a sniper! They've spotted all of us! Location--- " the commander didn't get to finish his sentence as Hara launched herself onto him, landing on his back and making him collapse onto the ground due to her weight as well s a rock she carried along with her.

" Uh, that didn't sound very good. " Hayami sweat dropped.

" He's fine. I wrapped him up nice and soft. " Hara assured Hayami.

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