Chapter 17 - XX Time

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" I can only see a few students from this angle... " the man who called said disappointedly as he watched the security camera footage, " Gotta love the face of pain from a junior-high student. Once I get that ten billion yen, I might just buy a bunch of them and force-fees them that virus every day. " the man chuckled as he once again scratched his cheek.
'Fifteen—no, sixteen. Judging by their breathing, they're young, most in their mid-teens. Who knew? Everyone who could still move actually made it all the way here' the man thought as he then shot behind him, breaking glass and shocking some of the girls.

" Just so you know, this hall is completely soundproofed. I would have shot you all dead before anyone comes to save you. " the man began to twirl his gun, " You know you're not prepared to kill anyone! Now come on out like good little children and bow before the boss— "

The man was cut off when Hayami made a shot to his gun but missed.

'Shoot! I was aiming for the gun!' Hayami thought as she quickly hid behind the seat once again.

'Live ammo?! And from the sounds of it...did they take our men's Model 60s?!' the man concluded, 'Junior-high kids trained for assassination...excellent'

He brought out a remote control and pressed a button, switching on the lights on the stage, blinding the students who were hiding behind the seats.

" Finally, a job I can sink my teeth into! " the man said happily as he tossed the remote away.

The man began to laugh crazily.

'I can't see the stage with that backlight!' Chiba gritted his teeth.

" Feelin' fine again today with my tasty, tasty gun! " the man, Gastro, cackled as he shot through the tiny gap between the two chairs towards Hayami who flinched and immediately scooted away.

'He could fire through such a tiny gap??' Hayami thought in panic.

" Used to be an army man. I could never forget the position of my enemy who shot at me. All that experience taught me how to pinpoint my enemy's location and the sensation of checking my guns by taste. " Gastro explained as his gun was once again in his mouth, " Now, then...there should be one more stolen gun out there. "

" Hayami-san, remain on standby! " Koro-sensei instructed, " You were wise not to fire just now, Chiba-kun! The enemy still doesn't know where you are! I'll keep an eye on him and tell you when, so hang tight until it's go time! "

'Where is it coming from?' Gastro wondered as he looked around to finally spot Koro-sensei in his ultimate defense form right in front of him in an audience seat with an arrogant expression on his face.

" Oi! Quit staring at me from the front row! " Gastro yelled, pissed as he shot at Koro-sensei and soon had to reload his gun, continuing to fire at him.

" Nyuruhehehe. An expert gunman versus junior-high students? This much of a sight advantage should be fine. Now then... " Koro-sensei narrowed his eyes, " Kimura, run five seats to your left! Terasaka and Yoshida, move three seats to either side! We've made a blind spot! "

" Kayano, move two rows forward into this gap! Karma, Fuwa, move eight seats to the left! Asuna, move four seats to your left and one seat to the front! Isogai, five to the left! " Koro-sensei instructed.

'He's shuffling them around? This bastard is making it complicated! However, he's telling me their names and positions with every command. I'd have memorised them in no time' Gastro thought just as Koro-sensei gave out new instructions.

" Student number 12! " Koro-sensei yelled, startling Gastro, " Move right and continue preparations! Number 4 and 5, film the target from between the seats! Use Ritsu to tell Chiba what's going on stage! "

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