Chapter 6 - School Trip Time, 2nd Period

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" Uwah! Kanzaki, you're so good at this! " Asuna stared in awe as Kanzaki played an arcade game professionally.

" How on earth are you dodging those?! " Sugino exclaimed.

" This is a little embarrassing. " Kanzaki smiled with a blush.

" Now that's a pro smiling sweetly with that grip of hers. " Sugino commented.

" I never knew you were this good at games. " Okuda said in amazement.

" I kept it a secret. In my family, frivolity is frowned upon. But maybe I was too concerned about what others think. Clothes, hobbies, status...I ran away from all of it, got swept by it and wounded up lacking confidence. But Koro-sensei made me realise, you just need to have the person on the inside to face forward and do their best. " Kanzaki explained as Nagisa watched Asuna, Kayano and Kanzaki chat.

'I wonder what they were talking about...things seem so light between the three of them' he thought.

" ACK! They got you! " Asuna And Kayano wailed as Kanzaki just laughed at their reactions.
'Almost every sniper turned down the missionon after seeing its difficulty and the one sniper that agreed to do it had quit halfway. So much for our sniper plans in Kyoto.' Karasuma thought with a frown as he reviewed some paperwork.

" Karasuma-sensei! " Isogai called out, catching Karasuma's attention, " Let's play some table tennis. "

'I can't impose on their trip any further. It's free time from here on out' Karasuma grinned as he saw Takebayashi's, Isogai's and Mimura's grins, " Sure but I'm warning you, I'm quite good. "
" This place is quite the dump though. " Okajima complained as he walked down the corridor with Sugino and Nagisa, " Two big bedrooms, separated by sex? The students in other classes get their own hotel rooms. "

" It's fine. It's more fun this way. " Nagisa smiled.

The three then stopped short when they saw Nakamura, Fuwa and Asuna acting suspiciously.

" Ne, what are you three doing? " Nagisa asked.

" Shh! " Fuwa and Asuna shushed them.

" Isn't it obvious? We're peeping. " Nakamura had a mischievous grin on her face.

" Peeping?! "

" But that's our job! " Okajima protested.

" It's no one's job. " Nagisa and Sugino sweatdropped.

" Can you still say that after seeing this? " Nakamura asked, sliding the door open.

" Clothes hung like that means that the wearer is still in the bath. You understand what we're getting at? " Asuna explained as the boys saw Koro-sensei's clothes hung up.

" This is our chance to see what's inside Koro-sensei. " Fuwa added, " Is it tentacles all the way down? Or does he have a body? "

" Who knows? This might help us with our assassination. " Nakamura said as she led the group inside.

" This has to be the least sexy peeping ever. " Okajima whined.

Nakamura slowly slid open the door that reveals with bubbles in the bath and scrubbing one of his tentacles with a scrubbing brush.

" IS HE A GIRL?! "

" Ah, hello students. " he greeted.

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