Chapter 2 - Asuna Time

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Karasuma cleared his throat to grab the class's attention.

" Well, it's time to get to business. We are supposed to brief you on the situation but it seems you know quite a lot already. If you have any questions, you can approach me for the details. " Karasuma said as Asuna nodded in response.

" The octopus will be here for second period, so for now, first period shall be free period. Don't make a ruckus. " Karasuma warned as he and Irina left the class to do their own business.

" Karma-kun, you never told me you have a fiancee before. " Nagisa said as he turned to look at Karma who was leaning back on his chair with Asuna on his lap.

" I didn't plan on telling anyone because it's an affair between our families and I didn't expect her to be in the same school as me. If she was earlier, I would have explained the situation because Asuna likes to cling onto me and people will most likely question it. " Karma answered.

" When do you plan on getting married? " Rio asked with a sly grin.

" The date hasn't been set yet but we're gonna get married when we finish high school. Now, anymore questions regarding this matter will stay unanswered and this arrangement is a secret between all of us. " Asuna winked as she put on a cute act, " Ok? "

All of the class blushed at her cuteness.

Just then the bell rang, signalling second period and that's when the door slid open and in cane Koro-sensei.

Asuna's eyes sparkled, " Uwahh! He really does have tentacles! I wanna touch them! " she made grabby hand movements towards Koro-sensei but was held back by Karma.

" You hear that, teach? " Karma looked at Koro-sensei who nodded.

" Really?! I can?! " she asked, excitedly.

" Sure. " Koro-sensei stretched out two tentacles in front of him.

Asuna immediately jumped off Karma's lap and ran straight for the tentacles. She grabbed both of them and began to rub her face in them.

" SUGOI!!! IT'S SO SQUISHY! " she yelled excitedly as she cuddled the tentacles.

" Eh? " the class was surprised, well except for Karma.

They had expected Asuna to do something similar to what Karma did when he met Koro-sensei the first time.

" Oh, Asuna doesn't like assassinating directly. She says it's too much of a pain but she does it from time to time. But I guess today isn't one of those times. " Karma explained as Asuna scurried back to him with a wide grin.

" Karma! It felt so squishy! I wonder how it will feel like if it exploded! " she said as her imagination ran wild.

" You should have sliced one of those knives into bits and pieces and glued it to your hand so when you touched them, the tentacles will explode. " Karma shrugged as Asuna made an 'o' shape with her mouth.

" Oh yeah, why didn't I think of that? " Asuna realised, " But then...I wouldn't have been able to touch the tentacles so it's worth it. "

" Alright, alright, lets get back to official school matters. It's now social studies period. Please take out your books and we shall get started. " Koro-sensei said as the students began to take out the required books.
" Ahh, I can't wait to eat my gelato now. " Koro-sensei sighed happily with a bit of drool as he opened the refrigerator to see his glorious gelato that came all the way from America in its perfect glory, untouched.

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