Chapter 10 - Vision Time

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" Phew! Helter swelter! I understand this is what it's like in Osaka when a heat wave hits. " Koro-sensei sighed as he fanned himself with a paper fan while leading the class through the forest.

" So hot...why is he leading us out here on the back of the mountain? " Sugino wondered.

" If he's looking for a pool, there's one at the main campus. " Ritsu said from Nagisa's phone, " But this isn't the direction, is it? "

Nagisa shook his head, " No. "

" Hey Nagisa, I heard you really did a number the other day. I sure wish I could have seen that assassination of yours. " Karma sighed as he approached Nagisa, " But Asuna is my top priority. "

Asuna smiled innocently next to her fiancée as she glanced at Nagisa who just grinned sheepishly.

" Nyurufufufu, all right, we're here! Behold! " Koro-sensei suddenly stopped and declared before moving a few bushes out of the way of the students' sight.

They all gasped in awe.

" A pool I made especially just for the E class! " Koro-sensei announced as everyone whooped with joy and immediately stripped down to their school swimming attire before plunging in.

They began swimming, playing with a ball or just relaxing in the pool.

" It's fun but a little depressing, " Kayano sighed as she floated on a swim ring, " I'm a terrible swimmer and this suit leaves nothing to the imagination. "

" Don't worry Kayano— " Okajima reassured her as he held a very big camera with the strap around his neck, " —someone somewhere will want a body like yours someday. "

" Ne, Okajima-kun, maybe don't go acting like a dashing young man while setting up that camera to snap sneak pics. " Kayano advised as Okajima began snapping away on his camera.

"'re a boy! " Nakamura said in shock.

" You just noticed?! " Nagisa yelled in disbelief.

" Can you blame us? " Okano sweatdropped.

" Whee!!! " Asuna yelled excitedly as she did a series of tumbles before taking a dive into the pool with Karma waiting for her down there.


Everyone turned to Koro-sensei at the sudden series of the whistle being blown.

" Kimura-kun! No running at the poolside! You could trip and hurt yourself! " Koro-sensei scolded from his makeshift lifeguard post.


Nakamura and Hara went back up to the surface and gasped for air just to hear the deafening sound of the whistle being blown.

" Hara-san and Nakamura-san! Watch the breath-holding! I'm scared that you will stay down there too long and drown! " Koro-sensei reprimanded.


" Okajima-kun, I'm confiscating that camera! "


" Hazama-san, don't just read all day—swim! "

The class sweatdropped as they listened to the countless of times the whistle being blown.

" So fussy... " Sugino groaned.

Koro-sensei has his usual smirk/smile on his face as he blew a tune, making use of the whistle.

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