Chapter 33 - Let Live Time

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" The weak can only kill the strong through assassination, but the strong can kill the weak whenever and however they want. " Asano lectured, " I will pepper the nation with mechanisms to teach this truth. With my money from the Ministry of Defence and the bounty from killing you, I can build my affiliate schools all over the country. "

'Did someone mess with him when he's a student or something that makes him so obsessed with education?! I don't even think that many teachers enjoy being educators yet here he is, so obsessed with it!' Asuna deadpanned as Koro-sensei moved to the next book : social studies & history.

" Now, Koro-sensei, do be the cornerstone of my philosophy. " Asano's eyes glinted.


Now, Koro-sensei's skin was dripping even more after the second blast. The students watched with worried looks as Koro-sensei stood in front of the third desk with the book : Training on it. However, instead of him meeting a third blast, he opened and closed the book in a moment, surprising everyone. Asano's eyes widened in shock.

" Okay, opened, solved and closed! " Koro-sensei said cheekily, " I more or less remember the problems on each of these textbooks. Math was the only challenge since the last time I lent the book was so long ago that I can't remember. "

" You just happened to have memorised the books I just happened to bring, huh? " Asano wondered.

" Oh heavens no! " Koro-sensei waved a tentacle, " I memorised all of Japan's test books, " 'No moving out of the blast radius until I've solved the problem'? A rule like that is no problem for a passionate educator. I thought you understood me but it seems that your students' defeat has unnerved you. "

Koro-sensei then opened, solved and closed the fourth book.

" You've dug your own grave with this simplistic assassination. " Koro-sensei turned towards Asano, " The last book, it's your turn. "

Asano could hear his heartbeat.

" What does it feel like to see your own death before you? The grand kaleidoscope glimpsed in the moments before death...What could be on that perfect mind of yours right now? "

" Sensei! "

" Sensei! "

" Asano-sensei! "

A younger Asano could be seen helping a young girl with her questions while another boy with glasses watched beside them in his seat. A third child, a young boy with spiky brown hair slowly crept up to the trio and swung a ruler at Asano, only for it to be stopped halfway, caught by Asano singlehandedly.

" EH?! "

" Not today this time, huh, Ikeda-kun? " Asano grinned, turning to the young boy, " A deal's a deal. Go and study now like a good boy. "

" Damn! You're such a beast, Asano-sensei! " Ikeda groaned.

" Ne, Asano-sensei, why did you start a cram school in an abandoned schoolhouse on a mountiain like this? " Ikeda questioned.

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