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|Author's pov|

Jungwoon dropped y/n off at her apartment, and she thanked him for helping her before he left.

Once she changed her clothes, she sat on her bed, reflecting on the events of the day. She felt devastated and powerless after being unable to protect herself.

Her illness was progressing, and she lacked the money to purchase additional medication. If she spent the little money she had on medicine, she and Daehyun would die from hunger.

Her entire body was aching badly, and her head throbbed with pain. Bruises were beginning to appear on some parts of her body, indicating that things were only getting worse.

"If I don't buy medicine, I'll die because of this disease. Why is my life so complicated?" she cried out, feeling completely helpless.

The only thing she knew for certain was that, at the end of the day, she would die.

Y/n suddenly realized that she hadn't gone to the cafe in the past two or three days.

"I should contact the manager and explain him that I'm feeling unwell, and that's why I am not coming to work. I hope he'll understand," she muttered, searching for her phone.

She picked up her phone from the nightstand and dialed the manager's number. "Hello, sir. It's y/n," she said nervously, anticipating him to scold her for her absence.

"H-hello, y/n... I hope you're feeling better," she raised her eyebrows at his soft yet fearful tone.

"I'm fine, sir. I wanted to let you know that I'll be returning to work tomorrow. And I apologize for not coming in the past few days," she said, hoping that he would understand her situation.

"No, no, no, y/n! You can take as many days off as you need," he almost begged. She narrowed her eyes at his tone.

"Thank you, sir. But I'll be there tomorrow," she informed him, and after saying goodbye, she hung up the phone.

"He was acting strangely. He never gives anyone time off, but now he's giving me as much as I want. And his tone was fearful. Strange!" she thought, covering herself with a duvet as she lay on the bed.

Shrugging off her thoughts, she drifted off to sleep.

|After some days|

It has been a few days since that incident, and y/n has now fully recovered.

Jiwoo has been a great help to her and has spent most of her time with her.

Currently, they are together in Jeon's mansion. Yes, at Jeon mansion!

However, lately, Jungkook and y/n have been growing closer, or perhaps it is only his efforts to do so.

Whenever he is near her, her heart races, and she feels as though it may explode at any moment.

Jungkook seizes every opportunity to be with y/n, treating her with kindness and tenderness, but only to her.

Despite her fear of him, y/n's heart is leading her towards him, and she finds herself growing closer to him.

This morning, he even attempted to kiss her.


It's early in the morning, and y/n was on her way to Jiwoo's house for a group study session. They have exams coming up next week.

After dropping off Daehyun at school, y/n finally arrived at Jeon's mansion. She greeted the guards at the main door and made her way towards Jiwoo's room.

"Hey Jiwoo!" she exclaimed.

"Aisshh y/n, you scared me," Jiwoo complained. Y/n responded with a giggle.

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