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Jayden's POV

The car stops in the driveway and I open the door myself to come out of the car before Fred could get the door.

Today's work was hectic and I wouldn't be here if my mother hadn't invited me to dinner. She is persistent and would do anything to get what she wants.

I know she wants us to talk about the wedding preparations. Coupled with the fact that I have been meaning to come to see her, I decided to come over today instead of tomorrow.

I could remember the look of shock on her face when I announced to her that I was getting married to no one but my Assistant. I don't think she knows Isabella but the thought of being married to my employee was a huge killjoy for her.

Today, I will know what she thinks of the match and I will convince her to let me do what I want.

If I don't do this, if I don't marry Isabella, I won't be able to prove to her that marriage isn't meant for everyone. 

Getting married to her choice of woman will make everything hard and I am not in for any lifetime commitments. I don't have the time to handle any woman who would give me a hard time. The thought of that only scares me about marriage.

Despite all the hurdles that come with marriages, people still get married daily, making me wonder why people still go ahead with this like it is a priority.

It isn't an achievement but that is what they make it look like. What good comes out of being married and getting separated at the end of the day, whether due to divorce or death.


Absolute nothing.

The footman opens the door, making me venture into my parent's English country home.

"Good day, Mr. Russell", the footman greets politely with a bow.

Before I can answer, Mother's lady maid appears, flashing me a smile.

"Ms. Susan", I regard her with a smile as she approaches.

She bows respectfully. "Welcome, Master. Ma'am is already in the dining area."

"Thank you", I say and walk past both of them.

Instantly, my stomach rumbles, and I realize I haven't had a good meal since yesterday. I am not a fan of breakfast. I am used to drinking coffee every morning and I don't bother to take lunch.

Last night, when I got home, I was extremely exhausted and I went to bed after taking a hot shower, without dinner.

I hear chatter from the dining area as I approach. The dining area comes into view and I see Mother and Father already eating without waiting for me.

Mother looks up and her face lights up in joy when she sees me.

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