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Isabella's POV

A knock pulls me out of my thoughts and I get down immediately from the bed to answer the door.

It must be Grandma. I know she can't stay angry with me for too long. I have been waiting for days for her to come back since I don't know where she is staying in Paris.

We cried. We both cried. And she left.

It is high time she came back so we could talk and I can tell her the real reason why I did what I did.

I didn't do that for no reason. I did it for a good reason.

I get to the door and turn the doorknob but surprisingly, there is no one in front of the door. I step out and look around but everywhere is silent and empty.

My neighbor has gone to work already. I heard her muttering some French words as she locked her door before taking the staircase down.

She isn't the one.

Who could it be? Is it Grandma? Did she change her mind about coming to see me so we could talk?

Realizing that Grandma must still be mad at me, I sigh and step back inside. The moment to close the door, I see it.

A sheet of paper on the floor. The person responsible for this must have pushed it through the little hole from outside.

It is not a small paper this time. It is long and looks like a letter written to a long-lost friend.


This must be Jayden. I haven't seen him since I saw that wine on my doorstep. I don't know what this wine signifies but I feel he is stupid for bringing me the wine when I can't even take it.

Did he do it just so I can figure out that he is the one responsible for all those strange gifts and messages?

Even though I don't want to see him, I have been looking out of the window to see if I can catch a glimpse of him.

I don't see him and it increases my curiosity. Is he here with Grandma?

Quickly, I pick up the paper and walk to the cane chair to sit in and read.

I wonder what this is about. Has he suddenly become a coward for not showing his face to me?

I flop heavily on the chair before opening the paper.

I read out aloud.

"I know this might not be appreciated but it will clear up the air and explain some certain things you are oblivion to."

"I know I hurt you deeply but first of all, I want you to find a place in your heart to forgive me. Life has been really hard for the last six months since you left me. I miss you, Isabella. I miss your smile. I miss how you gush over me in concern. I miss how you bite your lips and I miss hearing your voice."

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