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Isabella's POV

She throws a cold glare my way before her hands push me backward.

It is Mrs. Russell. Jayden's mother.

"What have you done to him?" Her loud voice echoes around the private corridor of the hospital building.

I had done the only thing I could do. Calls.

I called the numbers of every name that came to my head.

I called his Father and Mother, I called my Grandma and I called Gabriel too. 

I have cried so much and it feels as if the rivers of tears in my eyes have dried up. I should have known that he was ill. I should have suggested to him that he visit the doctor.

I blame myself for this. I blame myself for what happened. Maybe if I hadn't asked him that question or if I hadn't poured water all over him maybe he wouldn't be so mad at himself to have even thought of inflicting pain on himself.

What exactly happened in the bathroom is something I have no idea about and only Jayden can explain what happened.

I was already on my bed sulking for being clumsy when I heard him screaming. I couldn't ignore it and I had to move to the bathroom.

Without thinking of the fact that he might be naked, I tried to open the door when I heard him smashing something but I couldn't. The door was locked from inside and I was praying hard for him not to hurt himself. 

Nothing must happen to Jayden. Nothing should happen to him. I promise never to overstep my boundary. I promise to mind my business henceforth and do the job I was employed for.

I just want him to survive this.

"What did you do to my son?" She pushes me again, making me stumble but before I can fall, someone grabs me from behind. 

It is Jayden's father.

He had gone to the doctor's office to check if the doctor was there, even after I told him the doctor hadn't come out from Jayden's room yet.

We don't know what is happening. We don't know if he is in a critical situation and if he is going to survive this. 

No one is coming out to tell us what is going on.

"What is happening here?" He snaps at his wife. He knows she must be responsible for my falling. They all know how much she detests me.

"Ask her", she shouts, pointing accusing fingers at me. "Ask her what she did to my son."

Before I can say anything to Jayden's father in defense, she begins to cry. He sighs and lets go of me before helping her to a seat.

A YEAR WITH THE BILLIONAIREWhere stories live. Discover now