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Isabella's POV

"Mother?!" I gasp as a tear rolls down my eyes when I hoist my head to lock eyes with her blazing red face.

"How dare you lie to me, Bella? How dare you?!" She yells, her hands shaking with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Grandma", I hear Jayden call before he steps in beside me. My face stings and I shift my gaze to Juliet.

She has a proud smirk on her face and she winks at me.


"Don't you dare talk to me, you idiot", she attacks Jayden too. "How dare you lure her into a deceitful affair such as this? How dare you!" She grabs at his shirt.

"Mother, stop it", I try to take her hands off him while he is standing calmly as though nothing is happening. "Please stop it."

I succeed in taking her hands off him as she glares at him in anger.

The maids appear from the door which opens right behind Jayden and they all come out, looking from me to the others with curiosity written all over them. It is apparent that all is not well and they want to know what is happening on their boss's wedding night.

"Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you, what happened, Paulina?" He confronts the eldest woman who bows slightly.

"We were having a meeting", she informs him, and Jayden's brow creases. He must be wondering what type of meeting they were having.

Not wanting to delve into the matter further and to give us privacy to finish up what we have started, he orders with implacable authority. "Get my wife's things up to my room immediately, she needs to have a change of clothes."

Paulina is hesitant. "What about the other…"

"Do as I say", Anger flashes across his expression as he yells at her.

Paulina nods vehemently and she instructs the younger maids to get the luggage before dismissing the others. 

I don't have a lot of clothes so I came with just two bags. The two girls grab the suitcases and they walk upstairs with them.

Paulina disappears after flashing me a sweet smile and Juliet scoffs. 

"I really do not know what is happening here, can someone explain?" Jayden asks with a serious expression on his face, folding his arms around his bosom.

I should have known that Juliet would do this. I am not surprised, I was expecting this already. I know how desperate she can be when she wants something.

I am just glad she didn't come in while the marriage proceedings were ongoing. That would have ruined everything.

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