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Jayden's POV

In just a few hours of practically calling Isabella a loose woman for dressing that way around the house when I didn't even know that she went to the pool with a towel, my emotions are all over the place.

I still feel remorseful and I want to do everything possible to make her forget what I said.

It was an insult and I have no idea what came over me to say that. She isn't my real wife so I have no right over her.

It wouldn't be offensive if only we were real. This is just on paper.

She has had me feeling sorry for her for no reason. She accepted this because it was what she needed but I don't know why I feel sorry for her.

She mentioned something about love during the dinner with Alejandro and I am curious to know what she means by that.

Does she want to go to Verona to find a man who truly loves her? Can't she wait till after our marriage is up to a year before going? 

I remember she also said something about this when I first presented the offer to her and she outright rejected it.

Isabella is predictable.

This is why I want to make it up to her. Our marriage is already a week old and I can't promise not to be rude to her.

I will be good to her whenever I can help it so that when my harsh part is on display, she will remember the times when I was nice to her.

It's a local ice cream shop and they don't have the flavor I wanted to get for her. Helena used to fancy ice cream too but she loved bubblegum and strawberry flavor.

When I asked for both flavors and they didn't have them, I got what they had and came out with it.

It isn't in a bowl like I thought it would too. It is carved in a big biscuit cone. I got three. Two for Isabella and one for Jude.

I catch a glimpse of a lady in a black dress standing in front of Isabella and my forehead creases, wondering who it is she knows around here.

Quickly, I cross to the other side but before I can get close, the lady turns as though she is about to leave when she bumps into me, running my suit with one of the ice creams.

"Oh, My God!" Isabella gasps and rushes to me, trying to wipe the stain off my suit. Instead of wiping it off, it keeps spreading and she rushes back to grab something from the car.

I hoist my head up, raising the two cones of ice cream to see Isabella's friend standing before me with a glare.

I can't recall her name.

"Hello, Mr billionaire", a sly smile descends on her face.

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