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Isabella's POV

His lips move on mine and the kiss isn't rough. It is sweet, soft, slow, and passionate. It is the exact thing I have always envisioned for my first time.

Something as soft as the feathers of a hummingbird, something as sweet as my favorite wine, Adrianna Vineyard, something as slow as the current music, and something as passionate as what is between Jayden and me.

At first, the kiss caught me off guard but I did not waste any more time by thinking about the kiss instead of enjoying it while it lasted.

I throw every warning and thought to the winds and grab his waist closer, tugging him hard against my front, his chest pressing hard on my bosom.

He delves his tongue further into my mouth, seeking access to explore more of the insides of my mouth and I open my mouth wider to grant him full access, to taste every inch of my mouth.

A groan escapes his mouth and I let out the moan I have been trying not to let out too. His touch makes my skin feel so alive but his kiss is performing wonders on every part of my body.

Just like the movies and what they describe in romantic books, I feel it. 

Yes, I can feel the butterflies in my stomach but mine is different. Everything present in my stomach is all dancing for joy. My legs are so weak that I can pass out with just a push. My head swells with such much pride at having my first kiss with someone as gorgeous as Jayden.

Not just anyone but my husband.

Then it clicks.

Jayden is my husband but on paper. I think he also realizes what he is doing and his mouth stops the wonders they were doing on mine.

My eyes flutter open to see him still closing his eyes tightly.

What have we done? 

He leaves my lips and a cold breeze brush past them to indicate the absence of his hot addictive lips on mine.

He takes his hands away from my body too and moves to the sofa. Biting my lower lips in regrets, I can still feel the taste of his mouth on mine.

We have just ruined everything. How do we look at each other now without having to recall these two minutes of passion?

I know I like Jayden a lot but I don't want to think this has more to do with my likeness to him. Standing confused in the middle of the room, I try to think of what the kiss really meant.

If a man likes you too, does the kiss taste different? How do you differentiate the kiss of a man who likes you and the one who doesn't?

Suddenly, Jayden gets up and rushes past me to the bedroom. My legs are glued to the ground and the music has stopped playing. I can't follow him. I can't talk to him. I can't ask him questions.

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