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"Hazel, darling, please wake up, we're here, and I want you to be awake when you see the rest of your brothers for the first time." I hear Matteo's deep voice say.

I grumble some incoherent words as I roll on my side. "It's too early for this."

"I know, Hazel, I know," my older brother sympathizes softly, "you're going to be jetlagged for a while, but you will get used to it, I promise."

I peel my eyes open, only to see that it looks sunny outside. 

"What day is it?" I grumble.

"It's the twenty fifth of August. The same day as yesterday for you, since we have traveled fourteen hours behind Australia time."

I hum quietly, just so my brother knows that I have heard him, and am not trying to be rude.

We step out of the plane, and I am met by a cool breeze. It forces my hair to fly back, and I quickly gather it up, so that it remains averagely neat. I take in my surroundings, and within a second, my mouth drops open in shock. 

What on Earth is this? 

I'm sure that it isn't a house. They are usually only one story tall and are made for around four people. But this... this is beautiful. 

There are seven sets of staircases, which lead up to the mansion. A pristine, white home lays soundlessly, and all of the lights are switched on. 

A large blue infinity pool is placed off to the side, with a deck accompanying the structure. 

I don't know how to describe it. It's nothing less than perfect.

"Welcome home, little sister," Matteo says from beside me, before beginning to make his way up the steep sets of stairs. 

I scurry after him, trying to keep up, so I don't get lost.

"Do you seriously live here?" I question cluelessly, panting hard as I run to catch up to my brother. 

"I seriously do," Matteo responds as we get up to the top. 

He throws open the glass door, and we stand silently for a couple of seconds, while I marvel at the interior of my new home. Suddenly, I hear a high pitched scream from inside the home, and I turn my head towards the noise.

"What was that?" I hiss at my brother, wondering what he is housing in this mansion.

He laughs before answering. "It was most likely Levi. I swear that he's the only one that can make a sound like that. My voice would crack if I went anywhere near that."

I look at Matteo for permission, and after receiving a nod from him, I step into the house for the first time. It smells very similar to my brother's odor. Burning wood, and sweetly scented chlorine. It also holds the same aura as him. Powerful. 

"Boys, there is someone I want you to meet!" Matteo shouts from the door.

I hear the classic and simple responses of 'coming,' ' just a second,' 'what do you want,' and 'I don't care.' 

My eldest brother just rolls his eyes and brings his attention back to me. "They might be a little closed off at first, but I promise that they will love you."

I just throw Matteo a smile, knowing that his constant promises are probably all lies. 

"Who is this?" The first person asks as they bound in. He seems older than a kid, but not fully matured. 

"What are you playing at, Matteo? Bringing whores back to the house? Have you lost your mind?" The second person asks as he walks into the room. 

This man would seem older than the last, and is definitely in his early twenties.

"Excuse me, I'm not a whore. I'm fifteen years old, and that would be incest," I tell the man rudely, looking him up and down with a disgusted face. 

"Oh my god, did I just hear what I thought I did? Matteo please tell me that this is her." 

Yet another person comes into the room. He seems a lot younger than the other two men. This boy would still have to be in high school, if I had to make a guess. 

"You're very right, Chase, this here is-"

"Ew. What's this?"

A carbon copy of the boy 'Chase' strolls into the room, and after taking one look at him, I know that we will not get along. 

"Charlie don't talk like that around your sister!" Matteo immediately scolds. "Now where was I. Right. This here is Hazel. Her mother just died, and after doing a quick DNA test, the police found out that she shared the same DNA as us. Meaning that Hazel is our full sister."

I can feel the pin drop, as the room becomes completely silent. No one says a word. 

"This girl's a fraud." The other boy 'Charlie' throws his finger in my direction as he talks, and he stomps his feet like a little child. 

What the heck is wrong with him? Do I need to set up a therapy session?

"Get out of my sight, Charlie!" Matteo booms. "You all know full well that Hazel is our sister. She shares all of the same features, and she doesn't know anything about us."

I watch in amusement as Charlie pounds his feet against the floor, and slowly he retreats, moving to a door. Slamming it with immense force, the door closes, and I can't help but flinch a little.

Is this normal? I think that I miss being an only child. 

"You'll get used to it," the man who called me a whore explains gently, looking at me with apologetic eyes. 

"Levi can show you to your room," Matteo cuts in, before anyone else can say anything. 

I nod my head silently, accepting his request, which was more like an order. 

The boy, Levi, who was the first person inside the room, steps forwards, and throws me a thrilled expression. 

He signals for me to follow him, so that is exactly what I do. 

"You're going to love it here, Ze," Levi says, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"I've been here for less than five minutes, and the only thing I've learnt is that you scream like a girl." I beam at my new brother, while he throws me a dirty look. 

"Shut up."

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for over 150 reads (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3

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