forty nine

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I ended up getting to my locker first, as I expected and hoped. The bell goes a couple of minutes later, and I smirk in victory, knowing that everyone else is going to have to wait in line to get to their lockers, while I have already finished with my stuff.

I wipe the invisible dust off of my hands and whistle an unnamed tune as I head in the direction of the cafeteria. Right now, there shouldn't be many people in it, but I wouldn't want to wait a lot longer, because it does get busy very quickly. Hungry teenagers are more scary than lions, these days. 

I bite my tongue harshly, trying to hold back the laugh that clawing against my vocal cords. I don't want people to think that I am crazy, just because I am laughing to myself about seemingly nothing.

I throw open the cafeteria doors, and am glad to see a couple of things.

Firstly, the line for food is still very small, since everyone is back at their lockers, trying to put their laptops, books, pencil cases, and assignments away.

Secondly, the table that Dolly, Noah, and I usually sit on it free, despite it being in the most desirable part of the cafeteria. The back. I don't know why some people scurry to sit in the middle of the room, or even the front, because it's easier for teachers and other students to see you there.

I much prefer the back corner of the cafeteria room, because no one's eyes are instantly drawn to you, and I feel that it gives me a lot more privacy, and security compared to the other spots around the spacious room.

Thirdly, Noah's not here yet- or at all. This small fact sparks a flame of happiness inside me, because I think I'm lucky enough to not have to deal with a boy who wants to touch me, today.

I sigh, and slowly stroll towards the back table, spreading out across one of the seats to the side, and scrolling through my phone, as I wait for my friend to arrive from her previous class. 

However, my eyes are brought away from my device when I see someone standing in the cafeteria door.

My mouth drops to the ground, and a dramatic gasp escapes my throat at the person in front of me.

Instantly, as if my legs are able to control themselves, I rush towards Adrian, who looks as if he has just been in a fight.

I saw him only a couple of hours ago, and he did not look like this.

A sharp cut runs down the left side of his face, and becomes jagged over the lid of his eyes. Instead of it being from a knife- or something similar, it looks handmade, like a blunt finger nail caused the damage. 

A small tuft of his soft, fluffy hair has been pulled out. To a normal person, it may just look like it does everyday, but I'm constantly looking up close, so to see a small part of his hair missing, rises anxiety in me. 

Adrian's arms are covered in fresh, yet dried blood, and I impulsively want to reach out, and scrape the contents off his perfect body. But I don't, knowing very well that the boy in front of me, is not in his right mind.

It's like he's turned into a werewolf, from one of those messed up romance books. If I wasn't so worried for his health right now, I's probably be melting in a puddle, from the hot energy he's giving.

Other small scratches and cuts also line the boy's neck, however, most of them seem to be in the process of healing over, which means that they're not deep, or something I should be concerned over. 

Most of Adrian's body seems to be marred by a red substance, and the parts that aren't, are covered in blue, purple, or green.

His upper legs have blotchy blue patches, which I have to assume are made up of internal bleeding- also known as bruising.

The back of Adrian's neck is the same, but instead of being blue, he's proceeded to turn a dark, hideous purple, and I'm sure that it can't be good for him, since it's in such a delicate spot.

A person's neck are very important. And if a doctor took one look at Adrian right now, I'm almost 100% certain that they'd say something along the line of 'this person needs immediate medical attention.'

I'd believe that without hesitation, because Adrian looks very banged up.

"What happened?" I whisper softly, gently placing my neck against the boy's neck, hearing his small wince of pain, even though he tries to play it off. 

"Got into a little fight. It's nothing you need to worry about, Ze," Adrian gruffly responds, trying to shake my hand away. 

"I think that it was more than little," I scold putting my hands on my hips. "You look like you have just come out of war."

"It's fine," Adrian comments stoically, rolling his eyes as if he hasn't just been beaten up. "The other guy came out of the fight looking a lot worse. That is, if he came out of the fight. I'm not too sure, if I'm being honest. I left him after he passed out like a pussy."

I frown at Adrian's harsh words, but I know he's only saying what he is, because he's not thinking straight. I'm thinking that he has a concussion. 

"Who is he?" I ask hesitantly. 

"That little pussy boy. Noah."

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 30400 reads and over 1k votes- 1330. (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3

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