thirty one

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Over the last couple of hours, Charlie and I have gotten closer. We've talked our mutual problems out, and decided that it would be better if we loved each other like the family we are. 

Levi got off his phone call a little while ago, and after he checked on us, he joined Chase, in explaining our issue to the oblivious police officer.

Since all of that is now done, my brothers and I wait next to the car, while Chase checks my brain's responses for a concussion. From his knowledge, it came back positive, which isn't making me happy. 

"Hazel, sit down. You have a head injury, you shouldn't be running around a tree," Charlie snaps, glaring at me like we didn't have a heart to heart conversation a couple of minutes ago.

I pout at my brother, but obey his demand, and sit down on the floor, as we wait for someone to come. Our car was in the process of being wheeled away, so it could be fixed. I don't know how my brothers are feeling on the inside right now. I know how much they love their collection of cars. 

I listen to Levi's conversation with the school, as he explains why he won't be there today, as well as the twins, and me. 

"Yes, Mr. Modbury, I understand that it's late notice... yes, yes. But this situation is less than ideal for anyone... No, I will be back tomorrow, as will the kids- well maybe not Hazel because she has a concussion, but the twins will be... Sir, I recommend that you refrain from shouting at me over the phone. I won't hesitate from asking my brother, Matteo to join conversation, I'm sure that he'd be happy to get you fired."

Levi's voice is calm the entire time, and I begin to giggle when he threatens the principle. With one harsh glare, and him shaking his hand for me to shut up, I am silent. 

I look up at him, until he finishes the call, and hangs up on the principle. Levi pinches the bridge of his nose, and sighs loudly, pacing back and forth, before addressing me, while I'm still on the ground.

"Can you please call Matteo, Ze, and tell him about our awkward situation," my brother requests, handing me his phone, and walking off before I have a chance to respond. 

I just grunt in annoyance, and swipe Levi's phone open. The pinned contact just happens to be Matteo, who's labelled as 'Big Boss/ Brother.' I click on the icon, and hold the phone to my ear, waiting for him to pick up. 

One ring goes by, then two, then three. I start to think that he's not going to respond, but I'm pleasantly surprised when his gruff voice makes a sound through the device's speakers. 

"What do you want, Levi?"

"Hi, Matteo. It's Hazel," I say enthusiastically, looking at Levi who has wandered off in the distance, taking some time for himself.

"Hi, sweetheart, is there a reason you're calling?" Matteo's voice suddenly changes, and becomes a lot more gentle.

"Yeah, yeah. The boys and I were in an accident when we were heading to school, and Levi just told me to call you," I vaguely mention, as if being in an explosion isn't a big deal.

"What sort of accident are we talking about, Hazel?" My older brother asks, sharply, dropping the sweet act he had on a minute ago. 

"Uh, I don't know too much, but Charlie told me that they think a small gang planted an explosive inside the car, and it went off when we were driving to school," I explain, hesitantly, scared of getting my facts wrong. 

"Okay, Hazel, do you know where you are? So we can come and get you guys," Matteo questions, and from his end of the phone, it sounds like he's moving around a lot.

"Ummm, there's a big oak tree." I look up at the ancient plant, that I'm leaning against.

"Anything else?"

"A road," I say, stating the obvious.

"That's good, sweetheart, thank you for that. Now, why don't you give the phone to one of your brothers," Matteo requests, with a gentle tone.

"Okay. Do you have a specific brother in mind? Because Levi's having a small meltdown, right now," I comment, staring at my third oldest brother who's pacing up ahead. 

Maybe he has some brain damage from the accident. 

"No, Hazel, just pass the phone to either Charlie or Chase," Matteo orders, losing his already thin patience.

I place my hand against the phone's speaker, and pull it away from my ear, before shouting.

"Charlie! Matteo wants to talk to you!"

"Tell him that I'm busy!" He hollers back, and I'm sure that I won't have to tell Matteo, because his words were very loud. 

"Chase, Matteo wants to talk to you!" I repeat, to the other twin, who throws me a dirty look, for being second, but nevertheless trudges over to me.

I hand him the phone, and wait for him to initiate conversation, so I can ears drop. 

"Yes, Matteo, it's me... of course... are you sure?... I don't know, whether they're ready."

After every words that leaves Chase's mouth, my brother looks at me, with an unsure expression, and I know that they're talking about me. Which I don't appreciate. 

Chase sighs, before saying his goodbyes, and hanging up the phone, passing it back to me. I throw him an expecting face, and raise my eyebrows. He merely shrugs his shoulders, and begins to walk away. But first he states what we all knew.

"Matteo and Axel with be here in a couple of minutes."

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 10100 reads and 573 votes, because it means the world to me, right now. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3 

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