seventy one

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When we get home, I am the last person out of the car. Since Levi and I were stuck in the very back, we had to wait for everyone else to pile out of the car before either of us were able to get out.

My father slowly ambled out of the front seat stumbling over his steps as he trips over a appearing rock.

After a bunch of swear words, and a door that proceeded to be slammed shut, my father was gone. 

Axel instantly rushed around to our father's aid, throwing open his own car door, and closing it with a bang, running over to help our unstable father.

From the small triangular window that I'm able to see through, I witness Axel throwing his arms over our father's shoulder, and directing him towards our house's front door.

Chase and Charlie lazily walk out of the car, conversing with themselves quietly about secret matters that only involve each other.

Twin things, I guess.

Matteo follows suit, turning off his cell phone, and glancing back through the revision mirror trying to make sure that me and Levi are still okay.

When he realizes that we will be fine getting out by ourselves, he opens his car door, and shuts it, heading towards the rest of the family who are huddled around the front door, waiting for Matteo to open it with his key.

Meanwhile, Levi kicks down the chair in front of us, forcing it to fold in on itself, and slump to the bottom on the seat.

He crawls out through the gap between the two other chairs, and opens one of the car doors, hopping out and waiting for me.

I copy my third oldest brother's actions, crawling through the small gap, and joining him on the pavement of our driveway.

Levi shuts the car door, as we make our way towards the house, which everyone has already entered, leaving the front door open for us to walk through.

The first thing I hear as we enter, is my father shouting about something that is probably not very important.

I chuckle and slowly make my way up to my bedroom, collapsing face first on my bed, and drowning in an unhappy groan.

Still, from here, I can hear my father scolding one of my brothers.

If I have to live with this until I move out, their will be issues.

Through the shouting noises of my father, I hear Matteo call my name. "Hazel, can you come downstairs please, I need to talk to you!"

Without responding verbally to my brother, I make my way downstairs, opening my bedroom door, and padding across the staircase, seeing my oldest sibling waiting at the bottom.

He beckons me down, and I automatically pick up my pace, not wanting to keep him waiting.

When I get down to the bottom of the stairs, a frown forms on my pale face. What could he want to talk to me about that is so important?

"I want to talk to you, regarding the whole mafia situation," he says, running his slender fingers along his chin, as if he's thinking deeply to himself.

"What about it?" I ask, swallowing down a ball of thick saliva, trying to clear my overly dry throat.

"Our father doesn't really want you to join, because he's saying that you're still so young- which is why he's screaming. We're trying to explain to him that you decided to join on your own free will, but he still seems unconvinced," my brother explains the situation to me calmly, using a bunch of hand gestures, and expressive facial features.

I nod my head, feeling unsure. Where is this conversation going? "He wants to know whether or not you're one hundred percent sure that you want to do this, or not."

"No one is ever one hundred percent sure on anything," I say awkwardly, trying to laugh it off.

I'm not a hundred percent sure at all, and now I'm freaking out.

"That's okay, Hazel. I never said that you had to be one hundred percent sure about anything today. Our father just wants to know that we're not forcing you to do anything. Which I hope we're not," my oldest brother says softly, taking my hand into his, and rubbing little circles into my palm with his thumb.

I nod my head, understanding what he's trying to say. "I'll think about it. Besides, what does the next step include? If I decide that I am one hundred percent sure about my choice."

My question is carefully asked, and I consider my words. However my speech comes out as flustered and rushed instead of calm.

I mentally hit my face, and roll my eyes at my own stupidness but keep the neutral smile, and kind eyes on display for my oldest brother to see.

"Nothing major. No crazy tattoos or anything like some other mafias do. And you're still a minor anyway, so I wouldn't make you get a tattoo," Matteo says honestly, shaking his head at the thought of getting a meaningless tattoo. "You'd have a part to play when it comes to Noah and Fletcher's execution, as well as help in tracking down Sierra, and whatever other damage she has caused."

What about our mother? I desperately want to scream, but decide against it, wanting to remain composed, and calm.

"As for our mother's murder, she'll be handled by me and our father. We already have a team of people trying to located all of the people who were involved. We'll make sure that they all get what they deserve."

It's as if Matteo reads my mind.

Maybe joining the mafia won't be so bad. I try to comfort myself. I will have my family, and revenge, two of the things I want and need the most right now. 

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 68800 reads and over 2k votes- 2620. (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3 

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