thirty eight

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Hazel's POV:

I glance at Adrian, before making a beeline toward the small ice cream shop, which is attracting less attention than Adrian claimed it would. 

I can feel the boy on my tail and make my pace a little faster, so I can leave him, but he seems to dislike that idea. Adrian's hands wrap around my hips, and he pulls me to a stop in front of him. 

I laugh like the crazy schoolgirl, I am and stare into the eyes of the man who has stolen my heart right now.

Adrian gulps down a few breaths of air, before speaking. "You really thought you could outrun me, darling. I play on the football, and hockey teams."

His voice is raspy, and I feel butterflies swarm my body, as Adrian's hands slip down to my waist. 

My breathing increases, and he slowly leans in. As do I. 

His hands wrap around my back, and I place mine in his hair.

But just as our lips are about to touch, I hear a terrible noise. A crying child. You see, I have never been good with children. Never have, never will. So to hear that screeching sound, makes me want to throw up.

Adrian must be having a similar thought process to mine, because he instantly pulls away from my face, and takes his hands back, looking more than awkward.

My cheeks begin to heat up, and I feel them turn a shade of red. Without thinking I try to cover them, but my attempts are futile. 

I can tell that Adrian is just as embarrassed as I am.

He clears his throat and decides to get rid of the awkward silence, as well as trying to zone out the disgusting crying child. 

"How about we head inside," Adrian says, throwing his arm out in front of him, and allowing me to lead the way.

"Thank you very much," I cough, beginning to march in the direction of the ice cream store. 

We're only a couple of meters away from it, and I can already see a bunch of colorful flavors, that I would have loved to try, as a child.

However, my inner child is shouting right now, so it's all good.

I'm the first one to enter, and I'm sure that my face resembles an expression of awe. It's nothing like I have ever seen before. Everything is made perfectly.

From the comfortable seating areas to the dozens of flavors in the small windows, to the smiling staff who look at me and Adrian in admiration.

I look at the boy who's standing next to me and wait for him to say something. Anything. 

"Order anything you want, darling," he directs me, pointing at all of the ice cream tubs, and allowing me to choose anything. 

I pace back and forth a few times, before making my final decision. When I am happy with my choice, I look at Adrian, who is getting his ice cream placed in a cone, before paying.

I wait for the server to be free, before stating my choice.

"Um, hi. Could I please have the purple one? I think it says taro and coconut." I squint my eyes, and lean closer to the glass, as I try to figure out the words.

The server, who just happens to be male, smiles, and laughs. "You sure can. Now would that be in a cup or cone?"

"Cone, please," I request, and he gets to work.

In the time that we wait, Adrian pulls my body closer to him and lays a protective hand around my hip.

I look up at the boy like he's crazy, and when our eyes meet, he shrugs his shoulders, claiming that the server was 'looking at me the wrong way.'

I don't argue with him, because the man serving me gives me my ice cream, and I pay for it with the extra cash I have in my pocket. Mainly due to the fact that Matteo banned me from using my bank account.

Despite Adrian's persistent pleas to pay for my ice cream, I ignore him, and allow the cashier to take my money, and put it in the register, before handing me back the correct, and counted change. 

When he smiles and offers me a good day, Adrian quickly makes us leave, and scowls at the boy dangerously, before he is out of sight.

I laugh the situation off since he's very funny.

We find a park bench, and decide to sit there, since the ice cream shop wasn't a suitable place, according to Adrian. 

I stretch my legs over the boy's lap, and laze against the wooden structure, finally letting myself relax, after a long day at school. 

Without even realizing it, Adrian starts to stroke my upper thigh, gently, and hums to himself, in a tune that I don't recognize.

I smile at the boy, who's obviously gone into a different world, before allowing my mind to do the same.

Not only are we comfortable enough around each other to sing songs under our breaths, but we can both zone out, and feel completely fine. 

Eventually, I am brought back into the land of the living, by Adrian slowly shaking me. He's chuckling to himself, and seems to fin it hard to contain his laughter.

"What are you laughing about?" I frown, looking around at the environment, thinking that a child has fallen over, or something.

"Darling, your ice cream in melting all over your hands," he says, touching it, before licking the now liquid-y moisture off his fingers.

I gape at him, before shoving the entire thing down my throat.

I regret doing that...

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 16100 reads and 839 votes (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3 

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