sixty eight

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The ride to the hospital is silent and awkward. Levi's acting like a woman just before her period. Axel's glancing out the window quietly, deciding to mind his own business. Matteo has occupied himself with driving the car. Chase and Charlie as bickering with each other about who will get shotgun next time. 

Somehow, I'm stuck in the middle of the backseats, wedged in a space where there are no windows.

Matteo claimed that the drive would be short, however we have already been on the road for twenty five minutes, and it doesn't look like we'll be arriving anywhere, soon. 

I rest my head against the seat rest behind my body, and stare ahead of me, so I have no chance of getting car sick.

The last thing I want is to puke on the side of the road, and make us even later to the hospital. I'm sure that if that happened, Levi would decide to walk to the place instead.

I done blame him, though. With all of our other commitments, it would probably be faster.

Finally, a large white building in the middle of nowhere appears, and I feel my eyes widen in awe. Of course, my brothers own a hospital that is located out near the tumbleweed.

Matteo stops the engine when he is satisfied with our parking space. I am the last person to get out of the car, and shut the door closest to me, watching as Levi begins to walk inside the building, not bothering to look back at the rest of us.

How rude of him.

I scurry after my third oldest brother, to see that he has just wandered straight passed admission, rolling his eyes at the flirtatious women who sit at the desks.

I furrow my eyebrows and it looks like my brother knows exactly where he is going. It's like he's been here before.

Well of course he has. Our family literally owns this place.

When I look back, I see that the rest of my brothers are right on my tail, following me, who's following Levi.

We scoot down different halls, that seem to never end, like a maze. I walk past a variety of doctors and nurses, who are all doing their jobs, and look extremely busy.

I give each of them smiles, because one of them might be the main reason my father is alive, and has not joined my mother.

Kindness can go a long way in the world.

Slowly, Levi comes to a stop in front of one of the closed doors, and glances back at the rest of us, before knocking his hand against the white wood.

When I take a closer look, I see that the door has a golden sign on it. 'Ex Don.'

I don't know a lot about the mafia, but I am aware that Matteo is the don of this mafia, meaning that our father is the ex don. 

I hear a small 'come in' from the other side of the wooden door, and hesitantly, as if the door is made out of glass, Levi pushes it open.

The first thing I see is a classic hospital room, except it's more upgraded. Fancy monitors have been placed around the room, and everything is neatly polished.

As I expected, the place smells terrible. Just like a normal hospital would. Soap, and hand sanitizer.

Next, I spot my father. But he doesn't look like my father. Or he doesn't look like the father I met a couple of days ago who had been kept as a hostage beneath a house for over a decade.

I'm pretty sure that this is the man my mother gladly gave her children to. It's safe to say that he looks a lot better.

As I was informed, my father had a good haircut, which has completely changed his face shape, and positively highlights his jawbone and cheekbones. 

All of the dirt has been scrubbed away from his body, leaving a clean, nice smell behind. I think that it's vanilla.

When he smiles, the rotten teeth that would have been on display a few days ago are gone, and replaced with pearly white ones, like a normal human has. 

But when I say normal, I mean my crazy brothers, who seem to be obsessed with their teeth's hygiene, because they're always perfectly shiny, and white.

I think that my father notices my shock, because he beckons me towards him, and in my surprise, I scurry towards him, tilting my head to the side, when I get to look at him close up.

I expected him to look a lot better than he was before, but the ragged man that existed a couple of days ago has turned into one of the most attractive middle aged males I have ever layed eyes on.

He is on the same level as Chris Hemsworth in my opinion. 

My brothers don't look as surprised as I do though, and instead look at our father as if this is the way he is supposed to look.

Instead of our father looking homeless now, he looks like the rich billionaire he probably is.

When he notices me analyzing his face, another smile tugs against his lips, and he repeats my action.

Still though, he must sense my confusion, because he laughs lightly. 

"Sit down next to me, pumpkin, the boys and I will explain everything," my father requests, and I do as he says, sitting on the side of the bed, where his shoulder isn't injured.

"I'm sure you have as many questions as I have any answers," my father says.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 60900 reads and over 2k votes- 2454. (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3 

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