thirty two

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When the boys picked us up, it was awkward, to say the least. Matteo was adamant to know why we didn't contact him earlier, and only several hours after the crash happened. Axel, on the other hand, decided that mocking us would be a lot more fun.

It wasn't.

My head had begun throbbing, due to the concussion that I had, and everything was starting to become a lot more distant.

We all loaded into the car that Matteo and Axel brought with them after it was checked for any explosives, of course. 

Once we arrived at home, Matteo called a family meeting in the living room, so we all quickly abided by his words, and make ourselves comfortable on the sofas. 

"So, I have called you here, because we have to discuss what just went down. From what I have been told, there was an explosive device inside the car, that was specifically designed to kill or seriously injure you," Matteo says, trying to explain what he thinks happened.

"We came to the conclusion that it couldn't have been a big gang because the bomb didn't hurt any of us seriously," Chase mentions.

"Right, well except for me, because I got a concussion," I comment, sarcastically, rolling my eyes, which hurts. 

Like really hurts.

"We'll get that checked out, Ze. Don't worry," Levi soothingly says. 

I nod my head and squeeze myself deeper into the sofa, placing my head against the couch's stabilizer.

"Hazel, we want to talk to you about something serious, and we need you to listen carefully. This isn't a joke, and if you think it is one, then I'll take the offer back." Matteo's words are stern, as he eyes me carefully,

"Okay... I'm not in trouble, though, right?" I ask slowly, looking between my 2 oldest brothers, who exchange quick glances, before shaking their heads in sync.

"You know how you were desperate to join our mafia, Hazel," Matteo explains, jogging my memory.

"Yeah, why?"

He sighs, before continuing. "We've decided to invite you to contribute to our mafia."

My eyes light up, and for a second, I believe that this is a funny trick, or I'm hallucinating due to my concussion. But when I see my brothers' straight faces, I know that this isn't a joke.

"Really?! Thank you so much," I squeal, running over to Matteo, and squeezing him tightly in a hug.

My oldest brother doesn't even hesitate before pulling my body closer to his, and wrapping his arms around me.

"Your welcome, sweetheart, but you have to prove yourself first," he sternly says, after releasing me.

"Of course, anything you want." I nod my head, continuously, beaming brightly. 

"We're not going to start today, Ze. You have a concussion, and are taking the day off, to get checked out," Levi exclaims, bursting my bubble of happiness.

"What? Why? I'm fine," I scowl, trying to ignore the sharp pain in my forehead. 

"No, you're not, Hazel. I think you should go lie down in bed," Chase demands. 

Well, he's not my mother.

"But why? I'm fine, it's just a little concussion. I'll recover."

"Hazel, you won't recover if you keep putting stress on your head. Go lay down right now," Chase snaps, losing his patience, as quick as it came. 

"Whatever," I growl under my breath, marching up to my bedroom, and lying down. Then, I throw the covers over my body, and huff in frustration.

Why me?

I pull out my phone, and open my conversation with Adrian. Is he wondering why I 'm not at school today? Does he even care?

I decide to text him anyway, despite worrying that he isn't even thinking about me.

'Hey,' I text, 'I just wanted to let you know that I'm not at school today- if you couldn't already tell!'

My finger hovers over the send button for a couple of seconds, before I shakily click it, waiting impatiently for him to reply.

1 minute ticks by, then 2, then 3, and before I know it, 5 whole minutes have slowly passed.

10 minutes later, his reply appears in my screen, and I breath out a sigh of relief. He hasn't ghosted me, thank God. 

'Hey, love. I was worrying about you. Thought you got in an explosion or something.'

Even though his sentence is a joke, I can't help but feel triggered, by the statement. 

'Haha,' I respond dryly, before powering off my phone. 

I know that I shouldn't take offence to Adrian's words, but I do. It's my fault that I'm so caught up in an event that barely even affects me. 

My head is still pounding, and I know that it is less than good, but right now, I can't seem to care less.

Finally though, I give into the unwanted pain, and turn out my lights, before snuggling under my bed covers, and holding my pillow close to me. 

It seems that sleep is trying its hardest to avoid me, or maybe I'm still paranoid from the explosion, but something is keeping my body from falling into a slumber.

I keep tossing and turning, trying to figure out a more comfortable position for me to sleep in, but the task seems close to impossible.

Maybe it's because it's the middle of the day, and I'm not used to sleeping at this time, or maybe it's because I can feel my brain vibrating, and my head ringing, or maybe, I'm just stressed after everything that just went down.

It feels like hours, before my eyes finally begin to get tired, and droop down, for longer than usual. I allow sleep to take my body away, and before I know it, everything is dark.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 10800 reads and 611 votes, because it means the world to me, right now. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3 

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