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I trudge back downstairs, only to see that my brothers are in the same position, I left them in. 

"I thought we were having a movie night," I complain, looking at Levi, who is the easiest to persuade. 

"We are, Ze. We're just discussing some work things. Have you thought of a movie you want to watch?" Levi responds, turning away from his conversation. 

"I was thinking of watching Where The Crawdads Sing, but it's but to you guys, I guess."

"Isn't that the movie with Taylor Swift's song?" Chase asks, pulling himself up from a sofa. 

I nod my head in acknowledgment. "It is. I haven't watched it yet. I promised my friends that I'd see it with them, but they're on the other side of the world right now," I explain gloomily. 

"Chase and Charlie will go and put the movie on in the cinema room, Axel will go and get snacks, while Levi and I will talk to Hazel," Matteo orders.

My eyes widen like a deer in the headlight as I watch everyone disperse from the room, leaving me with my oldest, and middle brother.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask wearily, tilting my head to the side.

 "Just to make sure that you're okay, Hazel. I know that must have been a terrifying experience for you," Matteo sympathizes.

His voice isn't patronizing and he seems to care about how I feel. It surprises me a little bit, but I brush it off.

"I'm okay. I'll recover." I think that's a lie. 

"Ze, I don't think that you realize how much we love you," Levi says, holding me too close to his chest.

"Thank you. I think that I love you guys as well." My words are muffled because I'm stuffed up against Levi's body. 

"How about we head to the cinema room? I doubt that Charlie and Chase have figured out how the electronics work," Matteo suggests, breaking up my hug with Levi.

We both nod, and follow our oldest brother out of the room, towards what must be their private cinema. 

After walking through several corridors, and three sets of stairs, we arrive at the door to the cinema room. It's a classic brown oak door, that is plain, and doesn't scream movie room to me. 

Matteo slowly slides the wood open, to reveal a luxurious cinema. There are rows of large, velvet-red sofas, which look towards a black wall. A projector sits at the very back of the room, while Charlie and Chase try to turn it on. 

"You're failing, boys," Mateo smirks up at the twins, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"How?" Chase breathes outs. "We read the instruction book and everything."

"It's this stupid machine that's failing," Charlie whines, and I have to hold my hand over my mouth, so I don't snicker at his childlike state.

"Maybe you should try and click the 'on' button," Levi proposes, looking at the bright green button at the front of the projector. 

"Oh, right. Well, we were just testing you," Chase mumbles confidently.

The cinema door reopens.

"I come with snacks! If you piss me off, you won't be getting any. Am I clear?" Axel exclaims brightly, and we all mutter a quiet 'yes,' before finding a seat.

Axel positions himself in the back corner, holding all the snacks close to him. Matteo sits in the middle of the second back row, kicking his shoes off, but leaving his socks on- thank god.

Chase finds a seat in the front row and is quick to make himself comfortable, by sprawling out across the sofa. Charlie sits in the opposite far corner to Axel and sends a neutral face to everyone in front of him.

Levi looks at me, and I look at Levi. Without saying a word, we share a seat in the middle row. I cuddle up against my older brother as the movie starts, and hope that it isn't as sad as the book.


Long story short, the movie was sad, and so was my situation with snacks. Axel threw me a child sized packet of chips, and that was it, even though I begged for one of the monster drinks he was sharing around. 

I also found out that my brothers are the type of people to talk during a movie. I couldn't even hear the dialogue half of the time.  I had to infer what the characters were saying, because I don't like subtitles. 

Who does?

"That was such a sad movie, Ze. I don't think I'm ever going to recover," Levi says, dramatically.

"Don't be so theatrical, Levi. It was just a movie," I drawl, standing up from the sofa, and stretching my joints, loving when I hear a little pop. 

"Well, I'll be going now. That was a lovely experience. See you at dinner, fam!" Axel shouts from the back corner, before slipping out the door, to who knows where.

"I should probably get back to work, Hazel. I'll see you all later," Matteo says, putting his shoes back on. He kisses my on the forehead, and farewells the boys. Then, my oldest brother leaves the same way Axel did.

"Matteo will want me in a few minutes to catch up on some of his work. So I'd better be off as well, guys," Levi exclaims, waving once, before exiting the room.

"Well this is awkward," Charlie says slowly, looking around the room. "Chase and I have... stuff to do... So bye, I guess."

"Yeah, we'd better leave too, but I'll see you later, Ze. I loved the movie, and Taylor Swift's song," Chase compliments, before walking out of the cinema with his twin.

And with that, I'm left all alone. Everyone has better things to do, and I don't blame them, we just watched a 2 hour movie, on a weekday, when most of them have to work. 

What do Charlie and Chase have to do? They're school students, so they should be at school, but since they're not, the twins shouldn't have any pressing issues right now. Why can't they spend a little more time with me. 

I sigh, but brush it off, and leave the cinema room as well, heading back to my bedroom. 

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW (hopefully). I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 1100 reads (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3

P.S.: I love subtitles, I don't understand how people don't, but for some reason everyone gets annoyed when I put them on TV.

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