fifty four

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At my stalker's words, panic arises in my body, and I begin to helplessly scramble around my bedroom, knowing that there's not a lot that I can do to stop them from getting in.

If they're able to take photos of me inside the property without anyone spotting them, then I don't doubt that they could sneak into my bedroom. 

After pacing around my bedroom for five minutes, I pull myself together and quickly sprint out of the room, trying to find one of my brothers.

God, where are they all?

I have five of them, and they seem to be nowhere.

I clutch my phone tightly in my hand, as sweat begins to form on my forehead.

"Levi?" I call out desperately, continuing to run through the house. "Axel? Chase? Matteo? Charlie? Anyone?"

My pleas for help are gone as unheard because no one thinks to come to my aid. 

So instead of being cowardly, and going to hide under my bed or something, I take responsibility for my actions, and sprint through the house, until I find the kitchen.

I rummage through the drawers until I get to the knife section. My eyes and hands skim through each utensil, attempting to discover the biggest one.

After a bit more than a minute of searching, I find a sharpened meat knife, that is made to cut through bones. In my opinion, it looks more like a saw than a knife. 

Without a second thought, I clasp the cool metal in my free palm and begin to venture through what seems to be the empty house.

I don't know why my brothers wouldn't be home. They're always home, or at least I think they are. Usually though, if they do leave, I am given a good reason as to why.

I keep calling out each of their names and have the audacity to open each and every one of their bedroom doors, just to make sure that none of them is playing a stupid trick on me.

"If you're trying to joke around, and make me scared, it's certainly not working!" I shout, in annoyance. "There's a real danger, and I'm armed with a fucking knife... but it's not for any of you, so don't worry."

I quickly add the last bit at the end, just so everyone can feel reassured if they're listening to me.

And if they're not, then I must just sound like one of those crazy old ladies, who spend all of their time talking to their numerous cats.

I take a deep breath in, and try to calm myself down, knowing fully well that I must look and sound like a mad woman.

My stalker is probably watching me from their phone right now, thinking something along the lines of 'what in the fucking fuck is this girl doing?'

Honestly, I'm thinking the same sort of thing.

Suddenly, an obvious thought sparks in my mind, and I scramble to pull my phone from my hand. I place the knife down on the table next to me, and instantly dial Matteo's phone number, knowing that he's the brother who is most likely to pick up the phone.

The phone rings once.

The phone rings twice.

The phone rings three times.

I begin to think that he won't pick up, but on the last ring, I hear my brother's voice, and I have never been happier.

"Hello?" He asks, sounding unsure. "What do you want, Hazel?"

"Someone's coming for me," I whisper into the speaker, hitting my head against the wall after I realise how paranoid I must sound.

"What are you on about?" Matteo questions and I can hear someone in the background murmuring.

"They just sent me a text. They promised me that they'd come to get me." My voice shakes in fear, and I try my hardest not to let a tear slip.

"Okay, we're coming back home, just wait and get a weapon for now," Matteo reassures me, getting up from his chair, since I can hear his footsteps.

I nod my head, and mutter a small 'yeah.' I turn around to grab the meat knife only to see that it is not where I left it, a couple of seconds ago.

My breathing intensifies, and my head swivels around in fear.

Matteo must notice my discomfort, because he speaks up. "What's wrong Hazel?"

"I just put a knife next to me, but now it's gone," I whisper raggedly into the speaker, as my ears ring.

"Baby girl, I've been waiting to see you." A voice suddenly intervenes in my conversation with my brother.

It's a male. Not only is it a male, but I know who the male is.

"Tsk, tsk. Playing with knifes will only get you hurt," he exclaims, turning the meat saw around in his hands, before staring back at me.

He's wearing full black. From the air force, to the cargo pants, to the tightly fitted t- shirt. His head is covered by a black balaclava, and I can't deny that he looks good, but I have never been attracted to him.

Only his green eyes are on display, and I have the urge to puke. I never did like green.

"We have to go home now, baby girl," he coos, stepping closer toward me.

But with that weapon in his hand, and intimidating appearance, I have no desire to go anywhere with him. 

 My eyes dramatically widen, and I begin to sprint up the stairs immediately, leaving no time for any extra thoughts.

But he's right on my tail, before I can even get up to the top of the staircase, he has grabbed a hold of my waist, pulling me flush against his toned body.

"Not so fast, Hazel. The fun has only just begun," he whispers menacingly near my ear.

I sob sadly, and attempt to break the boy's grip, but it's futile.

"You're going to have a nice, little nap, baby girl. And when you wake up, we'll be at home where we belong."

A soaked cloth is pushed in front of my face, and pressed tightly against my skin, giving me no choice, but to breathe in the toxic substance.

"Goodnight, baby."

Is the last thing I hear before the world turns black.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 37500 reads and over 1k votes- 1648. (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3 

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