thirty four

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I'm back at school today. I don't really want to go back, but Levi and Matteo were stressing that it is good for my education.

After my brothers dropped me to school in the morning, I sulkily walked inside the building and tried to act as if I didn't exist.

Unfortunately for me, my idea didn't play out as I expected. Everyone was staring at me, and I felt the need to cover away at their glances.

However, I didn't. I stood tall and pranced into the school like I owned it, with my chin tipped up, in pride. 

From what I can gather, most people have figured out that Levi, Chase, Charlie, and I were in a severe car crash a couple of days ago. Many students wanted to get a glimpse of my body, to see if I was as banged up, as people were probably talking about. 

I'm fine, though.

To my dismay, the concussion is sticking around, but I'm just trying to ignore the constant throbbing in my head. Chase made me take some painkillers this morning when I told him that my head was hurting, but it's not working like I hoped it would.

Right now, I'm sitting in the back of my science class, clutching my face in between my hands, and trying not to fall asleep on the table. Due to this, it means that I'm not listening to the teacher's talk.

I think we're doing a biology unit, but I wouldn't know, because I seem to be one of those kids who spends more time at home than at school. 

"Mrs. Bolivi, is there a reason why you are taking more interest in the table, than me?" The teacher snaps and pulls me out of my lazy trance.

I hum lightly, before pulling my head up and looking at the 2 dozen eyes, staring at me. "The table has a nice pattern."

My tone isn't supposed to come out as sarcastic and bored, but it does, and I feel the strong urge to slap my hand over my mouth, in retaliation.

"I don't care who you're related to Mrs. Bolivi, but you can't refuse to learn in my class. We have school for a reason you know. If this happens one more time, I'll give you a detention, and contact your guardian. Am I clear?" The teacher asks, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Crystal clear, ma'am," I apologise, regretfully, sitting up straighter in my seat, and paying close attention to every word she says.

I grab onto the teacher's sentences as if they are the mafia contract. 

Until now, I didn't even notice that the boy sitting in front of me, is Noah, Dolly's friend that sat with us.

He turns around, and throws me a half smile, before sliding into the free seat next to me. I move over slightly, since he is in my personal space, but I don't want to be rude, because he wanted to sit here.

"Hi," I awkwardly whisper, while paying attention to the teacher, because I can't afford to get in any more trouble, right now.

"Hey," he says in a raspy voice, as if he didn't expect me to acknowledge his presence. 

"Is there a reason you're sitting here?" I ask, quietly, looking the boy up and down, in caution.

"Just wanted to sit next to you," Noah replies, before sliding his hand across my bare leg.

I slap him hand away, and make a disgusted face, as I move away even more.

"What are you doing?" I whisper- shout in horror.

"Nothing." Is the innocent reply that leaves his mouth.

Noah's acting as if he didn't just make a move on me. He's acting as if touching a girl without her permission is completely okay.

Which it's not.

I made the mistake once, by planning not to tell anyone, when Fletcher did it, so I know to go straight to someone.

"If you tell anyone sweetheart, they won't believe you," Noah quietly says, against my neck.

"Why wouldn't they?"

"You obviously don't know who I am," he comments, seductively, and he hums, like my innocence is amusing.

Suddenly, the bell goes, to signify the end of the first double lesson. The teacher starts shouting about the homework we have to complete, and how it is summative, and all of that stuff.

But all I can focus on, is Noah's breath against my ear. It's hot, and slimy. He gives me the creeps, and I want to move away, but I'm far too scared of the consequences.

"I'll see you in the same spot when we have science, next week, okay baby girl. And remember, don't tell anyone."

My eyes widen, at the threat he conveys through his tone, and vigorously nod my head, not wanting to experience his wrath. 

Without another word, I jump up from my chair, and begin my journey to my next class, hoping that Noah's slimy personality is never near me again. I shake in disgust, and try not to think about his unwanted touch.

As I'm walking to my next class, I run into Adrian. Thankfully though, it's not literally.

We mutter a quick 'hey' and 'hello' to each other, before continuing our walk to whatever class we have next. 

I try not to take it personally, because I know that we're both teenagers, but I'm a girl, and everything that happens right now, seems to be the end of the world.

I sigh in frustration, and shake my head. Instead of sulking like a baby, I keep walking to my next class, and remind myself that it doesn't matter.

We'll talk tonight anyway, I think, before entering my next classroom.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for over 12000 reads (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3

Also, I'm sorry that the update is a couple of hours late. I watched Risky Business with my family. I 100% recommend if you're over 16, and like Tom Cruise, as well as sexual scenes. 

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