seventy three

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I took my time eating dinner, realising that after tonight, I'm no longer going to be an innocent woman with an innocent mind.

Instead, I'll be corrupt with a mission I must complete in order to prove myself as a worthy mafia member for my family.

If I stuff it up, who knows what will happen to me, but with the mindset I have, failure isn't even possible.

When I have finally completed my plate of food and proceeded to lick off the remains like a feral animal, trying to save myself time, I glance up at my oldest brother, who is watching me like a hawk, stalking its prey.

I give him the same pointed glare, and roll my eyes when he cowardly looks away.

Once everyone has finished with their food, I silently stand up, with Matteo and my father enthusiastically following my actions, leading the way to this so called office.

To keep up with their fast pace, I basically have to run, due to the fact that their steps are both so large, compared to mine.

Eventually, my oldest brother stops in front of a door that I haven't payed enough attention to, before taking a key out of his jean's pocket, and unlocking the wooden door.

I glance around in awe at the dark decorations, before humming in approval to how it looks.

There is a large window that covers an entire wall, with a view of our house's beautiful garden. Each part of the room is delicately painted in black, while certificates line sections of the space, hung up like important  paintings.

As I take a closer look, I realise that some of the certificates are contracts, and declarations, which seem to be prized possessions to my older brother.

"Take a seat, pumpkin," my father says, gesturing to one of the chairs in front of the large wooden desk, with his uninjured hand.

I nod my head, and allow my body to sink into the plush maroon chair, waiting impatiently for my brother and father to make themselves comfortable.

Both of them resume positions in front of the desk, so they're opposite me. The chairs are far nicer than the one I am sitting in, and a small bubble of jealously forms in the pit of my stomach.

I want a fancy chair like that.

But instead of dwelling over matters that I can't fix, I neatly place my hands on the table, trying to look proffessional, before waiting for someone to start speaking.

Matteo rummages through one of his metal draws, before pulling out several pieces of paper, which have been stapled together.

I narrow my eyes, trying to make out different words against the paper, but I can't see that far.

The pieces of paper are pushed in front of me, and Matteo nods his head, signaling for me to read what has been written.

Different images are pasted at the top of the page, all of them regarding Sierra. From what it looks like, she is wearing the same clothes as I last saw her in, and her entire body looks tired.

Each photo seems to capture an angle worse than the last of her, and I want to chuckle, but that wouldn't be very business like of me, so I refrain from doing so. From what I can tell a security camera is the main reason these photos have been taken, since most of them are black and white, as well as blurry.

Beneath all of these images is a small caption stating 'last seen photos of Sierra Louise Halligan,' as well as the dates each picture was taken.

I hum lightly, once I have finished reading through each document which describes her family, friends, fingerprints, mutual connections, and locations she might flee to.

"Your job is to track her down," Matteo explains briefly, before diving in deeper. "From this information, I'd be surprised if even one of my best men would be able to find her. But as I have learnt over the years, one lead can open up another ten. You need to start basic and think inside the box at first. This isn't a competition about creativity, it's only about getting the targeted person and bring them back here.

"For you though, since this is your first time, the only thing you need to do is pinpoint her location, however if you want to do more, that can always be arranged. Am I clear?"

I nod my head, liking the sound of my mission. I think that it is definitely doable.

"Do you have any questions, Hazel?" My father asks from across the table, and I flinch in my seat, having forgot that he was even there.

I apologetically looks at him, before talking. "How long do I have to track down her location and basic information? Is there as designated time, or do I have forever?"

My father looks at Matteo, and Matteo looks at my father. They seem to be having a silent conversation through their eyes, and head gestures.

"There's no 'designated time' as such," my father puts air quotes around the words. "But we're hoping by the end of the week you have figured out what city she has disappeared off to."

I nod my head. It's Tuesday night right now, which gives me until the end of Sunday to figure out where this stupid girl has gone. Hopefully, she's as dumb, or dumber than she looks, so my job won't be too hard.

Considering she's in the mafia though, it might now be as easy as I'm anticipating.

I thank my brother and father for each of their time, before grabbing the files, and padding down to my room, wanting to get a start on the mission, before Sunday night comes.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND READ WHEN I GET A CHAPTER OUT TOMORROW. I have a plan for where this book is going, I just need a little support. Also, thank you very much for 75000 reads and 2508 votes - (I know that it's not a lot,) but to me, it means the world. Keep slaying in life, and I will see you tomorrow night- or day depending on where you live- when I update tomorrow. Bye <3

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