7. My Greed was Endless

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"Welcome, Father."

"Thank you,"

Hyunbin said curtly, then immediately strode towards Roseanne. She looked cutely up at him as she held the skirt of her dress and Hyunbin's stern expression gently relaxed. He gently patted his daughter's head with a large hand.

"Have you been well?"

"Yes, I'm doing well."

"Did you feel any pain? "

"Sister took good care of me, so I feel much better now."

Roseanne was the youngest child, and even her graceful way of answering was as pretty as could be. Lalisa watched the two of them talking before her father's eyes turned towards her. She spoke in a slightly shaky voice.

"I hope your journey wasn't too difficult."

Hyunbin nodded lightly. She couldn't breathe for a moment. Her heart was full. She had a father she thought she'd never see again.

"Have you taken a meal yet?"

"No. I suppose you were all waiting for me because I arrived later than expected. Let's start with the meal. "

With that Hyunbin made to the dining hall first, followed by his three children. He would often arrive at the castle late at night and would go to the dining hall as soon as he arrived. No one knew how special this dinner was for Lalisa today. She walked quietly behind him as she tried to hide the moisture forming in her eyes.

They arrived in the hall, the centerpiece of it which was a long table covered in white tablecloth. The table was large enough to accommodate twenty people, and it was neatly decorated with candles and flowers. Before Hyunbin had arrived, Lalisa had taken care of the arrangements.

As usual her father was seated at the head of the table and Namjoon sat on his right, while Lalisa and Roseanne were seated on his left. The servants began to bring in the food, and as soon as they finished their plates the next course would come in. In the past when they celebrated Hyunbin's homecoming the family would enjoy dinner because of Lalisa's careful preparations, but tonight she had pulled out all the stops. No one would say it, but the large table was so full it looked practically miniscule underneath the huge feast. Roseanne mumbled "There's something wrong" while Hyunbin and Namjoon enjoyed their meal silently. It was Hyunbin who broke the familial silence.

"Are you going to participate in this year's sword fighting competition?"

Everyone at the table knew he was talking to Namjoon. Namjoon hadn't been able to in the competition in the capital city because of an injury he suffered during a training session. Her father and brother didn't speak about it, but that she knew Namjoon had deep regret for being able to participate.

"Yes, I'm thinking of going this time."

"If you decide to participate, try and perform well."

"I will."

Maybe this was just how a conversation between a father and a son went. Lalisa pressed down a smile as she listened conversation between the two extremely similar men. In the past she felt conversations between the two stern-sounding men were uncomfortable, but now she simply smiled. As the meal went on, Hyunbin turned his attention towards Lalisa.

"You were to attend Jihyo's wedding, weren't you?"

"Ah, yes."

"I heard you came home because you had an upset stomach on the way. I know you're trying to take care of others, but do not leave this place. You've probably learned from this, but we need to learn how to manage our own lives."

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