53. Remove Your Hand

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Lalisa was arresting the Empress' men who infiltrated the palace, according to Jungkook's orders. However, at some point, she could sense someone following her. She stopped walking and turned towards the person trailing her feet.

"Hey, why do you keep coming after me?"

Hoseok stepped away from behind a tree, smiling. He was so big that even a large trunk couldn't conceal him.

"Your name is Lali, right? How did you know I was following you? I thought I hiding myself."

"Alright, just get to the point. Are you here to quarrel with me again?"

Lalisa didn't care for the pride of knights, but if he kept bothering her about it, it would be interesting to have a face-off to prove who was stronger. Despite that Lalisa was a woman and had a smaller body, she had her experience from her last life.

"Oh, no. I don't want to pick a quarrel with you."

"Then why do you keep coming after me?"

Hoseok shyly scratched the back of his large head.

"From what I saw of you from the bridge last time, I think you're a better guy than I first thought."


Lalisa stared at him. Hoseok continued on with an embarrassed expression.

"So let's be friends."

Lalisa did not reply, and he continued on nervously.

"We're all in the same family anyway. I work for the Crown Prince."

He would probably devolve into gibberish if she left him like this, so she nodded.


Hoseok's face lit up at her answer.



"Are we going to be friends from now on?"

They were not children playing, but it almost felt like he was holding out his pinky finger to make a promise. Lalisa couldn't help but smile how Hoseok's gentle nature was so opposite of his appearance.

In her past life there were men who sometimes acted charming and sweet towards her, without recognizing her for her abilities because she was a woman. It was only after seeing in her action did they come to respect her. Of course, Hoseok didn't know she was a woman now, but...in this life, she was going to pretend to be a man in order to hide her identity as much as possible.

"My name is-"

"Hoseok, isn't it?"

She remembered that someone called him that on Flower Bridge. Hoseok gave her a smile for remembering. It really didn't match the big guy at all, causing Lalisa to smile again. Suddenly-

Someone passed nearby. They had not yet captured everyone who trespassed on the palace. Lalisa immediately took a combat stance.

"Let's talk later."

Hoseok nodded and stood by Lalisa's back.

"I'll take this opportunity to show you my strength, so keep your eyes open."

Hoseok took out his main weapon, a heavy iron mace, and spun it a few times in the air. Lalisa could not help but glance over when she heard the force of the wind. A blow from that would certainly knock down a knight or break his weapon.

Lalisa's mouth went upwards as she realized that her friend was more powerful than she thought.

"Then let's go catch the rats hiding."

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