125. Division Of The Heart

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Lalisa brought her sister inside the palace. Roseanne couldn't stop crying to the point she was dizzy, and Lalisa sat quietly next to her in comfort. She had already been informed that nothing terrible had happened to Roseanne when she had been held captive. That meant that her grief was currently linked to...

— Please let me take care of this with my own hands.

She did not know what happened between Jimin and her sister, but she knew he had arrived there first and rescued her sister. If Roseanne came back in tears, it was evident that the conclusion was not a good one.

'I wished I could have helped her somehow...'

There was nothing she could do in the middle. She couldn't get involved in the relationship, but as she watched Roseanne sob in pain, she felt as if she were burning inside as well.

Finally, Roseanne cried herself to sleep. Lalisa sent a message to Jungkook that she would be sleeping with Roseanne tonight. Jungkook accepted without saying much, knowing that she had been kidnapped, and there was nothing to worry about if she and Lalisa were together.

Eventually, night fell. Roseanne, who had been fast asleep on the bed, blinked her eyes open, then slowly pushed herself up. Lalisa glanced up and lowered her book.

"Roseanne, you're awake?"

"Ah, yes."

Roseanne looked around, dazedly blinking her eyes.

"This is..."

"It's a guest room in the Imperial Palace. I informed Blaise mansion that I'll be with you tonight."

Roseanne nodded. Her eyes were still swollen from crying. If she entered the mansion like this, she would be questioned about what happened. Lalisa closed the book she was reading.

"If you feel more awake now, how about something to eat?"

"Ah, yes...please."

"Make sure you eat a lot. That way you'll feel energized."

Lalisa rang the bell on the table to summon the maid waiting outside.

"You called, Your Highness."

"Bring some dinner. Well, what would you like Rose?"

"Oh, I don't really..."

Roseanne's voice trailed off into a mumble, and Lalisa spoke up when she remembered something.

"Ah, you like healthy chicken porridge, don't you? Do you want to eat that?"

Roseanne stiffened. A bowl of chicken porridge with ginseng, jujube dates, and other nutritious ingredients was one of her favorite dishes. It was why she once treated it to Jimin at Blaise mansion. She felt inwardly bitter at the sudden memory, but she kept her face calm and shook her head.

"No, I...I don't want to eat that. Anything is fine except chicken."

"Very well. Then I'll have seafood prepared instead of chicken."

Lalisa instructed the maid to bring a meal made out of the freshest seafood ingredients, including abalone and octopus. When the maid left to deliver the message to the chef, Lalisa and Roseanne were left alone in the room again. Lalisa looked at her sister and smiled.

"How about we take a short walk in the garden and then come back as soon as your dinner is ready?"

Roseanne noticed that Lalisa was trying to take care of her as usual. She was probably worried about why she had been crying. She was grateful for Lalisa's unfailing love.

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