20. A Short Night's Outing

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"I wanted to see you. I told you to come quickly."

Lalisa was struck dumb for a moment. He came that far from the capital just to see her? How many days and nights did he ride on horseback? Lalisa stood as frozen as a statue, her mouth gaping in surprise.

"But how long has it been and you've already changed my name?"

"Oh, I was so surprised..."

Lalisa remembered the contract as her words trailed off. She had forgotten she promised to call him by his pet name when they were alone. She was about to apologize when Jungkook took a step forward and redirected the conversation.

"Where were you going?"

"I was returning to my lodging. My sister is waiting for me."

"Then let's walk together."

As released her hand he turned and strode ahead, Lalisa missed her chance to apologize. It occurred to her for a moment that he already knew her feelings, but she immediately shook her head. There was no reason for him to be so considerate. Lalisa soon followed Jungkook's footsteps, opening her mouth to speak at a sudden thought.

"I don't think we should go out together like this."


"Officially, we have nothing to do with each other, Kookie. And my family knights are waiting for me outside..."

"Are you worried that we'll get noticed and be talked about?"

"Of course."

"I'm curious what kind of rumors there would be about the both of us."

Lalisa stopped breathing for a moment. It was quite a compliment, but whether his words were a joke or had some other hidden meaning, Lalisa had to be the rational one.

"We decided that our first meeting will be at the ball and that we'll fall in love at first sight. We can't be seen by others before then."

"...Seeing my fiancée's expression is more difficult than fighting a battle."

Lalisa could sense a veil of disappointment in his voice.

"If you're nearby, then I'll stop by my room first before sneaking out again."

Lalisa's spoke to him as if she were handing candy to a particularly fretful child, and Jungkook replied with a chuckle and a small smile.

"I'd love for you to, but I don't have much time and I have to go back soon."

"Didn't you just arrive here? You have to leave already?"

"Your travel was slower than expected. It took me a while to get here."

Lalisa's thoughts were churning at what to do. She couldn't just send Jungkook back when he already came this far. Jungkook looked down at the profile of her thinking and spoke in a calming voice.

"I'm the one who came here without notice. I didn't mean force this upon you, so it's alright if you don't want anyone to see us together until the ball. Until we see your family knights...walking together will do."

His response was unexpectedly diplomatic, causing Lalisa to look up at him with surprise. It was difficult to understand why he came here to see her amid such a tight schedule, especially when they would see each other at the capital. How many days did he need to ride this far to make this happen? Just to see her face for a few minutes? It didn't make sense to Lalisa's head, but somehow it made her guilty to refuse Jungkook. However, she could not take him before her family's knights.

After a short moment of struggling internally, Lalisa halted her steps and caught Jungkook's arm. At her slightest touch Jungkook stopped walking and stared at her, his blue eyes burning with a cold fire.

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