110. A Storm Will Come Soon

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As soon as Lalisa finished dressing, she moved straight to the parlor room where Jaehyun was waiting. It was his visit that Lalisa had long looked forward to. No matter how agonizing the pain, she would do whatever it took to make Jungkook emperor. Nothing would be better than to bring the Krauss family to her side.

When she arrived in front of the parlor room, a maid waiting outside pulled open the door for her.

Jaehyun's head turned at the sound, and when he noticed Lalisa he bowed deeply.

"Hail to the Crown Princess. Eternal glory to the Ruford Empire."

"It's good to see you again. It's the first time since the wedding reception, yes?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Jaehyun gave a composed smile. He was still a young man, and had an air of precociousness about him that he didn't have before at the reception. He casually brushed a speck of dust from his shirt.

"Please have a seat."

"Thank you."

Jaehyun sat quietly at the chair Lalisa  offered him. His demeanor was more relaxed compared to Count Krauss' strict self-control, but on closer inspection, Jaehyun's movements were not ungraceful. He appeared a sound, well-educated successor to the family.

Lalisa studied his for a moment before beginning the conversation.

"How are you? You've matured more since I last saw you."

"I've often heard such praise lately, although I'm an ugly squid next to the Crown Prince, I'm sure."

Lalisa gave a small laugh at his cheeky joke. Jaehyun was indeed a handsome young man with an impressive pedigree, and he had a charming personality that likely made him popular among his peers.

A smile spread across Jaehyun's face as he spoke.

"Thank you for welcoming me despite the suddenness of the visit. I will have to depart for another kingdom soon to learn about business, and any other time is difficult for me."

"Not at all. I had given you permission to come anytime. It's impressive that you're learning about business already."

"It couldn't be helped. My grandfather strongly insisted."

Despite his grumbling voice, he had an air about him as if he knew not to take his intensive education for granted.

"So will you be gone from the Ruford Empire for long?"

"No, it's not as if I'll be away for years studying abroad. It will only be several months."

"Are you leaving with Count Krauss by any chance?"

"Yes, I'll be going with my grandfather."


A few months was no short period of time. From her perspective, she suspected that Namgil would begin his rebellion soon. Now that Jungkook was alive today, however, it was unclear how events would change, and there was the potential that Krauss may side with Namgil and the Empress in the future.

Krauss' absence now was a vital piece of information, and perhaps a stroke of luck. If the Krauss family wasn't on their side, they had to be on no one's side.

'While I've been trying to get to Count Krauss, it turns out he's going to be leaving the Ruford Empire soon.'

She felt relieved that a situation where they would be enemies was averted.

As Lalisa mulled over this information, Jaehyun carefully studied her pale complexion, then spoke.

"I heard a story that you were attacked on an outing. I'm glad to see that you don't look severely hurt."

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