21. The Only Time

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As soon as Lalisa arrived at the inn, she was informed that Roseanne had lost consciousness and collapsed. It was clear that Nayeon had not been expecting the situation and was bewildered at what to do.

"What? Why didn't you tell me right away?"

"Well...I sent someone but they must have missed you, My Lady."

"Did you call the doctor?"

"Yes, she's already seen the doctor..."

"Which room is Roseanne in now? Take me to her right away."

Following Nayeon's lead, Lalisa rushed to the room where Roseanne was. Nobles rarely ran, but Lalisa did not bother with dignity now. Her heart pounded painfully in her chest at the thought of Roseanne getting hurt while she was away. The screams of Roseannee being defiled in her last life echoed loudly in Lalisa's ears.


She flung open the door and ran inside–

And saw Roseanne lying on the bed breathing evenly. Lalisa gave a gasp of relief.

"...Thank God."

Fortunately, Roseanne didn't look like she was in pain. Lalisa approached her sleeping sister, drawn to her like a magnet, and gently brushed her hand against her face. Roseanne's warmth brought tears to Lalisa's eyes. Lalisa looked at her dear sister's face, anxious to find signs of any hurt when something that wasn't supposed to be there caught her attention. It was a coat. The blankets covering Roseanne had mostly obscured it at first, but now Lalisa could see her sister wearing the oversized piece of clothing. Roseanne clutched to it tightly, and Lalisa had no choice but to ask questions.

"...Where did this come from?"

However, a keen memory informed her of the owner of the coat.

Jimin Kasha.

Why would Roseanne have his coat? Lalisa turned towards Nayeon standing behind her. Nayeon immediately noticed what Lalisa wanted to enquire about and opened her mouth to speak.



Lalisa lifted her finger to her lips, then pointed to the door and nodded that they should go outside. The two women quietly left the room and only spoke after they were some distance from it.

"Whose coat is that?"

"I don't know. Actually...It was when I left to room to ask the inn clerk to raise the heating that I heard that Miss Roseanne had collapsed."

"You heard? From whom?"

"I think it was an employee, but I was too busy to remember."

After listening Nayeon's account, Lalisa remembered where she had asked for Jimin to wait for her.

"Was it my room where Roseanne collapsed?"

"Yes, that's right! It was in your room, Lady Lalisa. Maybe she went there herself."

"I see..."

Maybe it was Jimin who helped Roseanne when he saw her collapse. But that didn't solve the mystery why Roseanne was wearing his coat, or why she was holding on to it so tightly. Lalisa would ask Jimin in person and find out. Before doing so, however, Lalisa had to confront Nayeon.

"Roseanne has a weak consitution, and you left your position without leaving someone to take your place. What if something more serious had happened to Roseanne while I was gone?"

"...I'm sorry, My Lady."

"I will let this pass this time, but if this happens again, you must be prepared."

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