120. I Won't Lose

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"The winner of this match will be the champion of the tournament. Who will the goddess of victory smile upon?"

Because it was the last match, the host gave a longer introduction to the crowd than usual. The audience in the stands were on their feet, and were shouting at the top of their lungs for the knights they supported.

"Namjoon! Namjoon! Namjoon!"

"Taecyon! Taecyon!"

The stadium was filled more intense fervor than ever. At the challenge of facing her first difficult opponent in a long time, Lalisa felt her sleeping instinct slowly start to wake up. With only a split second to react in battle, the wrong choice between attack or defense could spell death. After a few games of life and death, it became like a drug. However, experiencing the moment of the battle was a thrill unlike anything else.

Despite her rising anticipation, Lalisa calmly looked at Taecyon across from her, proudly standing beside his horse. Taecyon had a muscular physique even compared to other men, and so when he stood up straight, his form looked considerably different from Lalisa's slim one.

'The pain medicine has made this easier, but I'll be at a disadvantage if that battle drags out.'

If she fought with Taecyon directly, she would be forced to use more energy with her relatively weaker muscles. She had to control the flow of the match to her favor.

"Knights, please get on horseback."

At the host's signal, Lalisa mounted the horse that was prepared for Namjoon. When she turned her head, she noticed that Jungkook was watching her closely with a fierce expression. He really did look a moment's away from leaping into the arena himself. She was here for Namjoonof course, so she wouldn't let it happen. However, the thought of it brought a warm smile to her face.

'...I won't lose.'

Now and in the future, she would not lose a fight for Jungkook.

Lalisa swung her lance atop her horse. The wind blew through the handkerchief, causing it to point in Jungkook's direction. She had done it intentionally, and Jungkook understood the gesture immediately. He was meant to believe in Lalisa and wait.

A smile crossed his mouth, but his brow was furrowed in a frown. For a very brief moment, their eyes met in midair, their feelings coming across each other wordlessly.

When all the match preparations were complete, the host continued.

"At the signal, begin the final match."

The sound of drums rang in the air, thundering like the collective heartbeat of everyone in the stadium.

Lalisa looked at Taecyon from across the arena. She could see the confidence in his eyes between the slats of his helmet.

When the signal went off, Taecyon and Lalisa charged at each other at the same time.

The harsh sound of hooves thundered on the dirt, and two lances clashed in the air.

Dozens of attacks and counter attacks were exchanged in the blink of an eye. The audience could barely contain themselves at the incredible display of skill.

Taecyon's spear shot furiously towards Lalisa's side.

Lalisa noticed it quickly and rapidly struck it away. Taecyon's attacks grew in speed in power, and Lalisa's red eyes shone brightly as she took in her opponent's every minute movement.

If it weren't for the fact that the battles were fought on horses, Lalisa would have been able to use her slender body to dodge more freely and attack from unexpected angles. She had far less flexibility and agility on a mount. That didn't mean she would inevitably lose, but she did have to work with one less advantage.

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