104. Whatever the Cost

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Lalisa drifted in and out of conscious, waking up with pain in her back and then blacking out again. Her eyes were closed more often than they were opened, and was difficult to tell how long it had been since she had been struck by the arrow. During the moments when she was awake, she vaguely registered Jungkook's firm grip on her hand. No one had to tell her, but she knew he remained steadfast by her side for every moment. A sense of comfort soothed its way into her heart and seemed to give her strength.


She struggled to open her heavy eyelids. For the first time, she felt the pain in her back was bearable. She blinked a few times to clear her foggy vision, and the first thing she saw was...


She could see his sleeping profile as he sat by her bedside. He was holding her hand tightly, as if he would never let go.

'...He's been by my side all this time.'

During the moments when she cried out in agonizing pain, she knew that it was his hand that held hers. Jungkook already looked thinner than when she saw him last, but he still appeared as handsome as ever to her.

Lalisa raised her hand and gently stroked Jungkook's hair. His eyes fluttered at her touch, then opened, their gazes meeting in midair. Jungkook stared at her as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, and she offered him a weak smile.

"Did you sleep well?"

She spoke as casually as if nothing had happened, and Jungkook looked almost afraid to shake himself from his dream. When he spoke, it was with an uncharacteristic tremble in his voice.


"Yes. Did I worry you too much?"

Jungkook leapt up from his seat and placed his hand on her cheek as he examined her.

"Are you alright? Are you still in a lot of pain?"

"It's bearable."

However, Jungkook didn't seem at all convinced by her answer.

"Wait here."

Jungkook stood up, walked towards the door, and roughly pushed it open.

Lalisa made out the sounds of people getting up from their seats in the hallway, and Jungkook spoke in a loud voice.

"My wife is awake. Come in quickly and check her condition."

The people outside chorused at the same time,

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Then in the blink of an eye, several doctors entered into the room and crowded around Lalisa's bedside to inspect her. She had a feeling there was just as much commotion when she had been unconscious.




Several days passed after Lalisa awoke, and her condition gradually improved. At first, she had been unable to stay awake for long because of the powerful drugs administered to her, but today her head was clear as she watched a doctor apply medicine to her wound. One of the doctors, who always asked about her condition, spoke to her in a bright voice.

"How do you feel, Your Highness?"

"I'm fine."

"Heaven has given us a miracle. Thank goodness. We had been unable to find the antidote for the poison."

Lalisa was curious about this strange detail. The arrows were aimed to take Jungkook's life, and it must have been difficult to obtain a poison with no known antidote. What kind was it?

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