83. Was it Too Late?

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Lalisa slept fitfully until dawn. Countless thoughts swirled in her mind, most of them about Jungkook.

'When did it start?'

She opened her eyes to see sunlight filtering softly through the curtains. She cast her mind back to the time when the Blaise family was destroyed, when she had run away from Roseanne and Namjoon, and the grief she felt when she saw her father's dead body. The memory used to replayed in front of her every time she closed her eyelids at night. Not a day passed in her last life where she wasn't reminded of that hell.

'But since when...'

When did she start having days when she wasn't chained to those terrible memories? Returning to the past seemed to have a greater effect on her then she thought, as the bitter memories started fading away into a nightmare that she didn't want to revisit. She used to be overcome with venom every time she recalled them.

'My time is moving.'

In her last life, she spent years learning to fight and sharpening her sword to take revenge against Namgil. No matter how much time passed, her mind was always wrapped up in the death of her family...

But now, her heart flowed with time like a river, and Jungkook had unexpectedly taken hold in her thoughts.

'Is it alright to let this be?'

Just because she was starting to see Jungkook as a man, it didn't mean she didn't care about the safety of her family. Nothing changed from the current situation she was in. Ultimately, making Jungkook emperor was her mission, and even if she couldn't do that, she couldn't leave him to the mercy of Empress Ophelia or the Anita family.

'Would this heart get in the way?'

Perhaps she should wait until Jungkook was crowned emperor and she achieved her goal at least...

A long shadow fell on Lalisa's face, and she tilted her head to see Jungkook looking down at her.

"Why are you still lying down when you're awake?"

"Oh, I was just thinking—"

Jungkook didn't even hear Lalisa's answer as he tugged aside the blanket to reveal her ankle.

Lalisa looked at him in surprise.

"What are you doing, Kookie?"

"I've been waiting for you to wake up."

Jungkook's eyes fell on her bruised and swollen ankle. He frowned as he lightly rubbed her foot with his hand.

"Did you lie to me last night about not being hurt?"

"I'm fine. I'll be better soon."

"I won't believe you when you say you're fine from now on."

Jungkook called the maid waiting outside and ordered her to bring a doctor immediately. Though his voice was calm, the maid scurried away quickly. The atmosphere emanating from the prince was terrifying.

Lalisa watched the scene from behind in wonder. A small injury like this didn't require this level of fuss, she wouldn't even consider going to a doctor for such an injury in her last life.

Some time passed before the doctor arrived to inspect her ankle.

"Ah, Your Highness. Fortunately, it's not as serious as a fracture or dislocation. Don't move around too much and apply some ice. If the pain isn't severe, you don't even need bandages—"

Jungkook, who was hovering closely, cut in.

"What do you mean the injury isn't severe? You should do something to keep her ankle in place."

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