14. Are You a Philanderer?

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Terms of Contract

1. Act in love in public.

2. Do not share a bed until after Lalisa becomes the empress.

3. Use a pet name.

4. If there are no other commitments, have every meal together.


It was only a few lines written on a sheet of paper, but Lalisa knew the immense weight of this contract on her future marriage. So far, everything had gone the way Lalisa had wanted, but she still felt tense as there were still no guarantees.

Lalisa finished writing on the sheet then looked up at Jungkook.

"By chance, we granted two favors from each other."

Lalisa's terms seemed fit for an arranged marriage, and Jungkook wanted to appear as lovers.

Jungkook spoke in a low voice, his expression unreadable.

"Yes. If there's anything else you want to add, tell me."

"I said earlier that I wanted to be your secret weapon. To be more clear, I want to create another identity, one that's neither Lalisa Blaise nor a princess."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to create an alias as a knight and be your bodyguard at night–"


Jungkook refused flatly before she could even finish. However, Lalisa wouldn't give in easily either. The scope of her activity in her dress was very limited, and Lalisa wanted to give strength to Jungkook not just as a princess, but as a knight.

Moreover, she couldn't risk taking her eyes off him for a moment, fearing that he might be assassinated in her absence. There was not much time before Namgil rebelled. By then everything had to be ready.

"I stand by what I said."

"While I'll allow use to use your sword to defend yourself in unfamiliar situations, I am not asking you to don armor every night."

"You know what my swordsmanship skills are like. Do you want to waste my abilities?"

"I already said no."

He spoke firmly. She felt a prick of guilt at how she drove single-mindedly towards her goal, but this was all about making him emperor. Although she had not been around Jungkook for a long time, she already noticed that he did not easily change his mind.

'...What should I do?'

She had a feeling that no matter how rationally she trued to argue, he wouldn't consent.

She remembered how he smiled when she called him by his pet name earlier.


She doubted if this method would work, but light in his eyes unexpectedly started to shimmer.

"...I don't want you to be in danger."

The firmness is his voice had somewhat softened.

Lalisa had never turned around a situation like this in her life. The mere idea of acting cute gave goosebumps on her arm, but if it worked, she would do more than that.

She closed her eyes tightly and opened her mouth to speak again.

"I know what you mean. But I want to protect you myself. Please, allow me this."

She placed extra emphasis on the word "please", and her heart pounded in anticipation for his reply. Concern flitted on Jungkook face before it eased into something gentler.

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