166. God Blessing

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Jungkook and Chief Chanatha exchanged greetings as Lalisa watched from inside the carriage. Finally, she rose from her seat and stepped outside, and Jungkook walked over to her with a worried look.

"You should rest inside."

"No. I wish to talk to him in person."

Knowing that it was pointless to argue, Jungkook got off his horse and held out his arm to escort Lalisa to the meeting place. The tribespeople were awed as the Emperor's intimidating atmosphere softened at the Empress' presence.

"I heard that you would come to this place. Are you Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of the Ruford Empire?"

Chanatha was an ancient man with a mysterious air around him, and while he was polite, he was not servile.

When Lalisa arrived in front of them, she replied with a nod of her head.

"Yes. I am the empress of the Ruford Empire."

"Then you are a very precious guest. Despite your pregnancy, you traveled all this way here. Thank you for coming."

Chanatha pressed his hands together and gave a deep bow. Lalisa's eyes were bright with interest. As of this moment, she wasn't showing yet.

"How did you know I was pregnant?"

"Call it a gift of blindness. As I grow older, I sometimes see things that are otherwise unseen."

Only then did Lalisa notice that Chanatha's pupils stared ahead unfocused. She thought it interesting that her pregnancy was noticed by someone who could not see.

"May I ask why two esteemed persons such as yourselves came to see our tribe?"

Lalisa glanced backwards at the thousand of soldiers that accompanied them. She couldn't speak about the curse in front of so many people, and she dropped her voice.

"I'd like to discuss this in a private place."

Chanatha nodded in understanding. A personal visit from the Emperor and Empress of the Ruford Empire was never a casual affair. Chanatha turned and pointed to a hut inside the forest.

"It's a humble and shabby place, but I'll take you inside, if you don't mind."

"Of course."

Lalisa was eager to speak, and Jungkook, who was listening from the side, spoke in a low voice.


"Yes, Your Majesty."

Taehyung came to his side at once. Then, after receiving his orders from Jungkook, he turned to the procession and pointed to the best troops.

"You there will escort His Majesty, and the rest will wait here."

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers Taehyung designated marched forward with a loud reply, while the rest stood as still as statues. The tribes people watched the display with interest, while Jungkook took Lalisa's hand.

"Be careful not to fall."

It was as if Lalisa was the only person in Jungkook's eyes. Anyone who saw them would notice that the entirety of Jungkook's being was devoted only to Lalisa.

An unexpected thrill shivered down Lalisa's spine. Despite the situation, it was enjoyable. When did she start to have this feeling? For her, her husband was a man sweeter than any chocolate in the world.

"Yes, thank you."

Lalisa took Jungkook's hand with a radiant smile.

Only Chief Chanatha, Lalisa and Jungkook entered the hut. The rest of the soldiers stood guard outside, but they remained some distance away so they couldn't hear any conversation. Chanatha offered them the cleanest spot in the small abode.

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