176. [Side Story] A Typical Political Marriage (2)

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Namjoon had many things to say about the trick she had pulled, but in the end, his curiosity won over.

"Since when did you like me?"

He wasn't convinced. All he did was answer Jisoo's questions on the way here. She smiled and replied.

"Well, how should I say this? Normally, one would get angry at this situation. I tried to deceive you after all."

She was right. She pulled the wool over his eyes, but Namjoon was more curious as to why.

Jisoo looked around, conscious of the attention that was being drawn towards the two from other onlookers, and she spoke again.

"I believe our conversation will take longer, so why don't we go inside the restaurant?"

Namjoon nodded at her suggestion. They had more to say than what could be said at the front of a restaurant. Before Jisoo went inside, she looked apologetically at the woman who wore the fancy dress on her behalf.

"Thank you for listening to my favor. Please go inside the carriage and rest."

"Yes, My Lady."

The woman nodded calmly. The real maid Momo seemed to be the one disguised as Jisoo. As Namjoon stared at the two women, Jisoo first stepped into the restaurant.

"Shall we go in then?"

The pair was about to walk into the large entrance hall together, when a restaurant employee stepped in their way.

"I'm sorry, but you cannot enter the restaurant with a maid."

The employee must have mistaken Jisoo as a maid brought in by Namjoon. The more upscale restaurants only allowed nobility inside, so the employee's behavior was only natural.

Only then did realize that Jisoo was still wearing the maid's uniform. She always came in and out of this place with ease, and never thought about her dress. Furthermore, she had no intention of revealing her identity at first, so she had not planned for this.

"Ah, well..."

She blushed in embarrassment and was about to explain herself when Namjoon quietly pulled off his suit jacket and placed it over Jisoo's shoulders. He was taking care to make sure that others couldn't see her maid's uniform anymore.

"She's my fiancée."

Namjoon was identifiable as a noble at first glance, and no further explanation was necessary. The employee bowed and stepped back.

"My apologies. Let me show you inside"

Jisoo, with the jacket wrapped around her shoulders, looked at Namjoon with a puzzled expression. Her cheeks were slightly pink.

"...Thank you."

"Not at all. You were not in the wrong."

Fiancée. That wasn't necessarily an incorrect description, since marriage was being considered between their two families. But this was the first time Namjoon introduced someone as such, and Jisoo was the first to hear it. An awkward atmosphere settled between the two. Meanwhile, the employee who guided them inside the restaurant spoke.

"The window seats are all currently full, so those who do not have reservations will be seated at the center. Is that alright?"

Jisoo answered.

"I have a reservation, so please check."

"Yes, I see. What is your name?"

"It is Jisoo Morris."

Upon hearing her name, the employee bowed his head as if to apologize for his mistake earlier. Afterwards, Jisoo and Namjoon were led into the enormous dining room of the restaurant.

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