118. There Was Only One Way

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Lalisa walked toward Namjoon's waiting room with a light spring in her step. Several maids tried to follow her, but she dismissed them for fear of them disturbing Namjoon before a major match.

There was only one reason why Lalisa went to visit Derek now. As she had promised him before, she would give him a handkerchief she embroidered herself just before the final match. It had taken several sleep nights to complete, and she hoped that it would bring him good luck this day.

She knocked on his waiting room door, but there was no reply. She leaned in and called his name.


There was no sound from inside the room. Then, Lalisa heard a crash from inside. Startled, she pushed open the door and rushed into the room. Lying half-fallen to the floor was Namjoon, wearing his metal armor.


She hastened to lift her brother up, and when Namjoon spoke it was with a hoarse whisper.

"Oh, you're here, Your Highness?"

"What on earth happened to you?"

"There...there was something in between the armor."

Namjoon weakly held up a thin silver needle to her. Normally the armor was placed on right before the match, but he had wanted to be prepared in advance and put it on quickly.

At first he felt a small sting, but then a few moments later it disappeared. Fortunately he didn't feel any pain, but then his movements started to become sluggish, as if he were slowly becoming paralyzed.

"Don't worry, I don't think it's life-threatening. My movements are slower though."

"Who on earth did this to you?"

Lalisa gritted her teeth. She could not send Namjoon to the stadium like this. The competition had to be as fair as possible, and she didn't want to risk his life.

"Brother, I don't know who did this treacherous thing to you, but you should forfeit the match."

"That's impossible."


Namjoon was unmoved by Lalisa anguished cry. If he dropped out before he fought against Taecyon, he would look like he was running away in fear. Namjoon could report that someone touched his armor with malicious intent, but there would still be people that would whisper of his cowardice. He was far more determined to prove his skills so no one could disrespect his sister anymore.

Lalisa looked over her brother in uncertainty.

"Don't be stubborn, brother. This could have been a fatal disaster. It's a good thing we discovered this before the match started."

"Don't worry. The fact that this was in my armor meant that someone wanted me gone more than anything else. I can't give them what they want."


Lalisa tried to protest, but Namjoon only smiled faintly and took the handkerchief from her hand. As she looked at her brother's determined expression, she knew that she wouldn't be able to change his mind. It was a Blaise family characteristic to be headstrong and stubborn.

She watched as Namjoon struggled to raise his body, and then she made up her mind.

"I'm sorry, brother."



Lalisa struck Namjoon at the back of his neck, and he immediately lost consciousness. Lalisa quickly caught him before he could hit the ground, and then sat him down and leaned him against the wall.

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