172. The Teddy Bear And The Lady (1)

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Roseanne, who was sleeping in bed, opened her eyes in a cold sweat. The sound of heavy breathing escaped her lips even though she had already emerged from the dream.

"Haah, haah."

She brushed her arm against her damp forehead and looked around. The room was still dark. Ever since she left the Ruford Empire to study in the Freegrand Kingdom, she had had countless nights like this.

She turned to the familiar toy tucked next to her bed. It was a teddy bear that was an unusual bluish-black color, and was wearing a large jacket meant for a man. It was the last gift her mother had given her, but it also reminded her of someone else. The bear was the exact color of a certain person's hair, and wore the jacket of that very same person.


Roseanne mentally repeated the name that she could not say out loud. Even when she closed her eyes, she could see him beneath her eyelids. She even remembered the words she said to him.

— I'll let you go. I won't blame you if you don't come back. Wherever you are...I wish you all the best.

It was true that she let him go that day, but the words she spoke were clearly a lie. Because she never let him go. Three years had passed since Jungkook became emperor of the Ruford Empire, since Namgil died from the rebellion, and since Seol was born. Even after more than three years of separation from Jimin, Roseanne's heart longed for him. He continually appeared in her dreams and prevented her from having a good night's rest. She hoped this longing would gradually disappear, but strangely, it only deepened every day.

Roseanne pushed away her blanket and raised her upper body. Though she was a delicate girl, the maturing of her womanly figure was evident beneath her nightgown.

She sat on her knees and stared at the teddy bear. She hoped that Jimin was happy, like the last farewell she left him. Truly.

But sometimes...

She wished he was unhappy. She wanted him to come back to her.

After a moment, Roseanne inwardly scolded herself for even thinking of such an idea, and went back to wishing for Jimin's happiness. Three years later, Roseanne still had trouble arranging her feelings regarding Jimin that you completely forgot me and passed by me like a stranger.

While she waited for her emotions to die down, Jimin probably already forgot about her. But there was nothing she could do. Roseanne looked at the teddy bear with a sad smile.

"Would you come if I waited...?"

Ironically, even in a dream, that did not happen. Roseanne understood it was hopeless. Still, this was all she could do.

Presently, Roseanne was an aspiring fashion designer in the Freegrand Kingdom. Although she started as an apprentice, she soon rose to prominence and was now leading the fashion world with every outfit she made.

As Roseanne worked a sewing machine, a maid approached.

"My Lady, Master Jaehyun Krauss has come to see you."

"Really? Please let him in."

Roseanne quickly put aside the dress she was making and stood up from her chair. Krauss and Freegrand have been dealing with clothing-related businesses ever since she came to study here. As a result, she naturally became close to Jaehyun, who was similar in age to her.

The door opened and Jaehyun came in. He, too, had grown out of his boyish looks, and had a slender, masculine face. In fact, Jaehyun was very popular in the social circles, as there was nothing he lacked, including family, ability or character.

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