58. Sometimes Thought of that Memory

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Jungkook's and Lalisa's marriage was swiftly announced. Gongyoo was eager for his son to marry as soon as possible, and Hyunbin, Lalisa's father, had no complaint as he had already made his decision. There was no movement from the Empress' palace, and so the couple's wedding preparations proceeded smoothly.

Lalisa was determined to hold the wedding as soon as possible, but there was a mountain of paperwork to be dealt with. After the official announcement, Roseanne was the first person to come to congratulate her.

"Haaa! Sister! Congratulations!"

Lalisa's heart warmed at the sight of her sister.

"Thank you, Roseanne."

"I suspected you might get married, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"I suppose I was in a bit of a hurry because I'm late for my age."

"Yes, come to think of it, the Crown Prince is marrying late as well."

Lalisa felt a pang in her chest at the unexpected remark. At home and abroad, many noble families had refused to match their daughters with Jungkook because of the ominous prophecy. Roseanne knew nothing about it, and was naturally suspicious. Lalisa awkwardly tried to explain.

"Well, that's because–"

"The two of you must be destined!"


"He didn't marry because he hadn't met you yet. Your love is literally destined!"

Roseanne clapped her hands, intoxicated by her fantasy, and Lalisa breathed a sigh of relief.

It wasn't true love, but she and Jungkook did have a connection. She met him as a child without realizing it, and he was the best card Lalisa could choose. He was the perfect match. If there really was a thread of fate connected to her finger, it would certainly be with Jungkook.

She didn't know if it was a thread of love, though.

"Did you talk about marriage when you went to see the Emperor?"

"Yes. We spoke over dinner, but I believe most of the arrangements will be taken care of after Father meets him. Though I didn't know the wedding announcement was going to happen today."

While the exact contents of Gongyoo's and Hyunbin's conversation would be unknown to her, she was sure they had a lot to discuss regarding marriage into the Imperial Family.

Then there was the question of the dowry. In marriage among the nobility, it was expected that the bride's family would give the groom a certain fortune. The wealthier the family was, the more inheritance they received from their relatives, allowing them to bring money, precious metals, land, and slaves. The groom usually sought a woman who could add to his wealth, and the bride also sought a family that could match the amount she paid. This led to many politically expedient marriages in noble society. As a result, the reality was that a large dowry was required for a woman to marry a man of high status, except in unusual cases.

Jungkook was the crown prince, and Lalisa had a headache as to how much dowry to pay to the Imperial Family. Roseanne was also well aware of noble marriage culture, and she was worried for her sister as well.

"You must be busy having to prepare everything. What should I do first? Is there anything I can help with?"

"I don't even know where to start... Perhaps we should hire more people to work in the mansion for now."


"I'm sure we'll be very busy once the wedding preparations start in earnest, and we won't have enough people to work at Blaise mansion then."

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