40. Isn't That the Stench of a Rag

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"You will do something for me in exchange for my secrecy."

A frown crossed Hwasa's face.

"First, you must explain how you know this. I need to know if you've already spread it to others."

"If I did, wouldn't you already know?"

Hwasa pursed her lips at Lalisa's question. Her son was being raised by a nanny as an adoptive child. Until the biological father appeared in the future, this fact could not be revealed. Lalisa continued.

"I cannot explain how I came to know this because of the circumstances. But if you do me one favor, I'll keep my silence until the end."

Hwasa continued to look reluctant, but in the end it was a fight she was forced to lose.

"...What's the favor?"

Lalisa slid some documents she brought with her towards Hwasa. They were a compilation of information about Yerim. Hwasa slowly perused the papers as Lalisa spoke.

"Please spread a rumor based on the information here."


"For a long time, Lady Selby has been jealous of me. This time, she lost the title of Madonna at the ball and is bent towards revenge. She is good at lying. And..."

As Lalisa continued, Hwasa's eyes grew bigger, and she spoke up in disbelief.

"You are asking me to spread false rumors?"

"Why do you think this is a false rumor?"

Hwasa lost her words for a moment. Lalisa continued, her expression cold.

"It doesn't matter what's true in society. After all, isn't what's important the story that remains in the end?"

Lalisa had no intention in explaining her misfortune in detail. Immoral people did not reveal the truth. In society, truth was made by the powerful.

It was the same now. Hwasa would never have been in her position if she revealed the truth, and it was also the reason why she was here before Lalisa. Lalisa had learned an important lesson as a female knight in her last life.

'A man without power cannot change anything. The truth doesn't always serve everyone.'

In her last life the Blaises were framed, and eventually her whole family was destroyed. She dreamt of revenge until her death, but she died before she could take Namgil's head. Her life did not go as she wished. In the end, anger and justice made no difference, and soon she realized there were other methods that were cleaner and more reliable.

Hwasa, who had held an impassive demeanor thus far, burst into laughter for the first time.

"Ho ho ho ho–"

Her sudden outburst caused Lalisa to look at her questioningly. Hwasa didn't bother to restrain her mirth, and she soon continued in amusement.

"I thought you were too young, but you have a good understanding of how heartless society is. You're right. What's true doesn't matter. It's what we make that is real."

"Then do we have a deal?"

After a small pause, Hwasa nodded.

"Alright, I'll do you the favor. This is not too difficult for me."

"Thank you."

"It's too early to thank me just yet. Just one warning. If you don't keep your word and you reveal my secret, you will regret it."

"Is that a threat?"

"Just like you did, My Lady, yes. You think you can order me around by digging up a secret? Let me make this clear–you can't."

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