96. It Was Love

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"No! This is unfair! I was only using an aphrodisiac—!"

They had taken away the tea, but Yerim had nothing to hide. The onlooking nobles began to whisper among themselves after her startling confession.

"Oh my God, did you hear what she said?"

"Lady Selby tried to give the Crown Prince an aphrodisiac."

Whatever the context is, this was pure entertainment for the guests. Tomorrow morning, the social circles would be awash with gossip about the party. Yerim spoke quickly, her eyes darting frantically around the room.

"Well, I was forced to!"

"By who?"

Lalisa stared at her coldly, and Yerim racked her thoughts.

"It-it was Tzuyu! Tzuyu Jenner told me to approach the Crown Prince this way—"

But before she could finish, Tzuyu slowly walked into the room. There was a variety of emotions playing on her face, but mostly fear. Yerim murmured to herself in shock.


Lalisa watched as Yerim was taken aback.

"It was Lady Jenner that informed me that you would commit this crime."


Yerim's eyes widened once again. She couldn't understand why Tzuyu would suddenly betray her. The fact that she had just placed sacrificed Tzuyu for her own life had already been forgotten.

"You! How dare you set me up? You think you'll ever be safe in this palace?"

Yerim screamed in rage, but Tzuyu didn't respond, her expression darkened. There was no need to exchange words anymore.

Lalisa deliberately allowed the scene to play out before the other nobles. Only when this became known in society could punishment be made more fairly. Lalisa achieved what she intended, so she turned to the guards to give them an order.

"Take her to the interrogation room."

In order to prevent an intervention from the Selby family or Empress Ophelia, Lalisa had assigned an interrogator in advance. This time, Yerim wouldn't be let off so easily. Lalisa was going to take this opportunity to make her pay.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The guards began to drag Yerim out of the room.

"Let go! Let go of me!"

Yerim resisted with all her strength, but it was futile against the muscled guards. Soon after, Tzuyu silently bowed to Lalisa and then followed the group out the door. Tzuyu would testify against Yerim as promised. There was also plenty of evidence that Yerim had secretly purchased the aphrodisiac.

When the scene was over, the guests went back into the party, whispering among themselves.




Before long, only Jungkook and Lalisa remained in the room. The door was closed behind them, and silence hovered awkwardly in the air. It was Jungkook who broke the silence.

"Did you know someone would give me an aphrodisiac?"


"Is that why you looked so angry?"


She fixed him with a blank look, and he spoke again.

"You looked at me like you were jealous of other women."

RETURN OF THE FEMALE KNIGHTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ