66. That was How it Began

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"I want you to enter Blaise mansion."

Jimin's eyes widened. He had taken on countless disguises in his work in assassination and infiltration. However, this time was different from when he set foot inside Blaise castle in the south. This time... Roseanne knew his face. Jimin spoke, his voice soft.

"As I told you before, General, the young lady of the Blaise mansion has already seen my face. I don't believe I'm the right person for this task."

Jimin hadn't told Lalisa, but he had already reported to Jungkook what took place in the palace. Carlisle knew that Kuhn and Mirabelle had already met each other.

"I know. She saved you, and you gave your name to her."

"...I did."

"She doesn't know the fact that you're my subordinate, or that you're taking action for the sake of Lalisa, so there are no problems."

Jimin couldn't think of a reply. In fact, all Roseanne knew was that he was involved in dangerous work. Of course, any employer would be reluctant to let that kind of character work for them, but as he thought about it, he knew Roseanne's feelings toward him were of goodwill, not distrust. She wished to meet him again. Roseanne was not likely to turn away Jimin, even if she met him face-to-face.

After considering it rationally, . realized he had no reason to refuse this job. He had infiltrated enemy positions in worse circumstances–and yet somehow, he still didn't want to do it. He never thought he'd see Roseanne again.

"General, I–"

Jimin was about to refuse. Jungkook's brow furrowed, and the prince interrupted, changing his expression into a cool stare.

"Why are you avoiding the mission? If you really don't want to do it, capture the person who infiltrated Blaise mansion and bring them to me as soon as possible."


"They were good enough to conceal their presence and escape from you. I'm sure you realize that I just can't send anyone for this task."

"...I understand."

Jimin fought down his reluctance and accepted Jungkook's order. He knew better than anyone else how formidable his opponent was, and the servants employed at Blaise mansion were the first suspects. Not one person particularly stood out to him, but that was only more troubling. After all, the most dangerous enemy was the one that appeared to be a friend.

"I'll go to Blaise's mansion as soon as I assume a fake identity."


Jungkook's glare finally lifted. He glanced towards the word room where Lalisa was asleep, a rare look of apprehension on his face.

"You haven't forgotten my original order, have you?"

"Yes, General. I will put her safety first and foremost, no matter what happens."

Jungkook had ordered Jimin from the beginning to save Lalisa in an emergency and leave behind anyone else. If Lalisa and Roseanne were ever in danger, Jimin had to choose the former without hesitation.

"If she resists, take her to me by force. It may be difficult for you, but..."

Jimin did not know why Jungkook's words trailed off. It was easy for as assassin like him to overpower a woman like Lalisa. Her ears were more sensitive than he expected, which aroused his suspicions somewhat, but he was not privy to those details.

"I'll keep it in mind."

Jimin knew how much Jungkook cared about Lalisa, not from some detailed observation, but because anyone who saw how Jungkook survived on the battlefield would notice the change in him. Jungkook would never have worn such a worried look before.

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